Mount Nurses in Training Set Sights on Guatemala, Featured in The Riverdale Press
Riverdale, N.Y. – A group of Mount Saint Vincent nursing students set to travel on a service trip to Guatemala this January have been featured in The Riverdale Press.
According to the feature, “At the University of Mount Saint Vincent, service is so important that the institution refers to undergraduates not as students, but “leaders in service.” The administration constantly encourages them to volunteer, raise funds for worthy causes, and participate in service events.”
The story highlights the upcoming service trip of five senior nursing students—Hersy Contreras, Briggette Parra, Kathryn Dalton, Emily Petrillo, and Catherine Reiss—as they travel to one of the four clinics created by the Sisters of Charity in the Sololá region of Guatemala to respond to the needs of women and children.
Additionally, the story features not only these Leaders in Service, but the fundraising opportunities available for students at the Mount. In early November, the Guatemala trip participants, along with the Class of 2016, Make a Difference (M.A.D.), and the Student Nursing Association (S.N.A.), hosted a fundraiser to advocate for the service trip in Smith Hall. Students were able to inform members of the Mount community about the trip, while also raising awareness for the global concern of health care in developing countries.