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Political Issues in the United States

Wave I: 912 adults who said they are registered or plan to register to vote interviewed online January 4 to 25, 2016.

Wave II: 845 adults who said they plan to vote interviewed online June 8 to July 5, 2016.

** Indicates a question was not asked or an option was not offered in Wave I

Wave I    Wave II

1. Overall, do you think the country is headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?

1. Right Direction 42 40
2. Wrong Direction 58 60

2. When you think about U.S. Government policy, how satisfied are you?
a. Overall Policy

1. Extremely satisfied  7 10
2. Very satisfied 11 12
3. Somewhat satisfied 34 31
4. Hardly satisfied at all 31 26
5. Not at all satisfied 17 21

b. Domestic Policy

1. Extremely satisfied  5  6
2. Very satisfied 13 16
3. Somewhat satisfied 32 31
4. Hardly satisfied at all 32 25
5. Not at all satisfied 18 22

c. Foreign Policy

1. Extremely satisfied  4  6
2. Very satisfied 10 11
3. Somewhat satisfied 31 30
4. Hardly satisfied at all 33 27
5. Not at all satisfied 22 26

3. How satisfied are you with the current process of electing a president in the United States?

1. Extremely satisfied 10 10
2. Very satisfied 22 19
3. Somewhat satisfied 37 33
4. Hardly satisfied at all 18 22
5. Not at all satisfied 13 16

9. If the Presidential election were conducted today, who would you consider voting for? (Select all that apply)

Joe Biden  9 13
Hillary Clinton 39 43
Mitt Romney 10 10
Paul Ryan  6 11
Bernie Sanders 24 30
Donald Trump 29 34
Elizabeth Warren  –   8

10. Who would be your first choice?

Joe Biden  3  5
Hillary Clinton 29 33
Mitt Romney  4  6
Paul Ryan  1  6
Bernie Sanders 15 19
Donald Trump 21 28
Elizabeth Warren  **  2

10a. Think back to January, before the primary, who was your first choice then?

Joe Biden **  4
Jeb Bush **  4
Ben Carson **  4
Hillary Clinton ** 30
Ted Cruz **  8
Carly Fiorina **  1
John Kasich **  5
Rand Paul **  1
Mitt Romney **  1
Marco Rubio **  3
Paul Ryan **  1
Bernie Sanders ** 16
Donald Trump ** 20
Elizabeth Warren **   2

11. Who do you think is going to win?

Joe Biden  1  1
Hillary Clinton 42 55
Mitt Romney  2
Paul Ryan  0  1
Bernie Sanders  9  6
Donald Trump 28 36
Elizabeth Warren  **  –

12. How important are each of these to your ultimate selection of a candidate?
a. Content of the candidate’s advertising

1. Extremely 13 16
2. Very 19 20
3. Somewhat 27 25
4. Slightly 16 17
5. Hardly at all 13 12
6. Not at all 11 11

b. Source of campaign financing

1. Extremely 18 17
2. Very 21 26
3. Somewhat 30 24
4. Slightly 14 18
5. Hardly at all   9   7
6. Not at all   8   8

c. Extent of media coverage

1. Extremely 13 14
2. Very 20 22
3. Somewhat 30 28
4. Slightly 16 17
5. Hardly at all  12   8
6. Not at all   9   9

d. Candidates personal qualities

1. Extremely 38 39
2. Very 35 34
3. Somewhat 17 16
4. Slightly   7   7
5. Hardly at all   2   2
6. Not at all   1   2

e. The party debates

1. Extremely 17 21
2. Very 27 28
3. Somewhat 34 28
4. Slightly  11 12
5. Hardly at all   7   7
6. Not at all   5   5

f. The presidential debates

1. Extremely 24 28
2. Very 31 31
3. Somewhat 26 24
4. Slightly   9   9
5. Hardly at all   6   4
6. Not at all   3   4

g. The primary outcomes

1. Extremely 21 22
2. Very 28 27
3. Somewhat 27 25
4. Slightly  11 12
5. Hardly at all   7   8
6. Not at all   5   6

h. Candidates’ stand on the issues

1. Extremely 56 56
2. Very 25 25
3. Somewhat 12 12
4. Slightly  4  5
5. Hardly at all   1   1
6. Not at all   1   1

13. When do you really begin to decide who to vote for?

Before campaigning really starts 16 25
After the party debates 19 21
After the primaries 19 18
After the conventions 11   8
After the presidential debates 18 15
A few days before the election 13 10
In the voting booth   3   3

14. How would you rate each candidate in terms of being qualified to be President of the United States?
a. Joe Biden

1. Extremely well qualified 17 18
2. Very well qualified 16 21
3. Quite well qualified 20 19
4. Somewhat well qualified 21  19
5. Not very well qualified 12 13
6. Not at all qualified 14 10

b. Hillary Clinton

1. Extremely well qualified 24 25
2. Very well qualified 20 19
3. Quite well qualified 11 11
4. Somewhat well qualified 14  11
5. Not very well qualified  9 11
6. Not at all qualified 23 23

c. Mitt Romney

1. Extremely well qualified   9   6
2. Very well qualified 16 15
3. Quite well qualified 19 20
4. Somewhat well qualified 24  27
5. Not very well qualified 18 18
6. Not at all qualified 14 14

d. Paul Ryan

1. Extremely well qualified  6  6
2. Very well qualified 12 12
3. Quite well qualified 20 21
4. Somewhat well qualified 28  25
5. Not very well qualified 19 20
6. Not at all qualified 15 15

e. Bernie Sanders

1. Extremely well qualified 15 14
2. Very well qualified 16 22
3. Quite well qualified 18 18
4. Somewhat well qualified 24  19
5. Not very well qualified 12 13
6. Not at all qualified 15 15

f. Donald Trump

1. Extremely well qualified 14 13
2. Very well qualified 12 13
3. Quite well qualified 13 11
4. Somewhat well qualified 11 12
5. Not very well qualified 11 13
6. Not at all qualified 39 39

g. Elizabeth Warren

1. Extremely well qualified **   7
2. Very well qualified ** 11
3. Quite well qualified ** 14
4. Somewhat well qualified ** 26
5. Not very well qualified ** 17
6. Not at all qualified ** 25

15. How would you rate each candidate on their likeability?
a. Joe Biden

1. Extremely likeable 21 22
2. Very likeable 16 21
3. Quite likeable 21 20
4. Somewhat likeable 22  19
5. Not very likeable 10  8
6. Not at all likeable 10 11

b. Hillary Clinton

1. Extremely likeable 18 18
2. Very likeable 16 14
3. Quite likeable 14 14
4. Somewhat likeable 17 13
5. Not very likeable 11 14
6. Not at all likeable 24 27

c. Mitt Romney

1. Extremely likeable   8   5
2. Very likeable 19 12
3. Quite likeable 19 18
4. Somewhat likeable 25 31
5. Not very likeable 16 17
6. Not at all likeable 13 16

d. Paul Ryan

1. Extremely likeable   7   6
2. Very likeable 13 13
3. Quite likeable 20 20
4. Somewhat likeable 30  29
5. Not very likeable 16 18
6. Not at all likeable 15 15

e. Bernie Sanders

1. Extremely likeable 16 18
2. Very likeable 16 23
3. Quite likeable 20 20
4. Somewhat likeable 25 19
5. Not very likeable 11  9
6. Not at all likeable 13 11

f. Donald Trump

1. Extremely likeable 13 12
2. Very likeable 10 13
3. Quite likeable 14  9
4. Somewhat likeable 13 12
5. Not very likeable 13 14
6. Not at all likeable 36 40

g. Elizabeth Warren

1. Extremely likeable **   8
2. Very likeable ** 13
3. Quite likeable ** 16
4. Somewhat likeable ** 28
5. Not very likeable ** 14
6. Not at all likeable ** 21

16. How would you rate each candidate on his or her honesty and integrity?
a. Joe Biden

1. Extremely honest 14 16
2. Very honest 19 20
3. Quite honest 20 23
4. Somewhat honest 24 20
5. Not very honest  9 11
6. Not at all honest 13 10

b. Hillary Clinton

1. Extremely honest 14 12
2. Very honest 12 14
3. Quite honest 15 12
4. Somewhat honest 15 15
5. Not very honest 13 13
6. Not at all honest 31 34

c. Mitt Romney

1. Extremely honest   9   5
2. Very honest 17 13
3. Quite honest 19 23
4. Somewhat honest 25 28
5. Not very honest 15 18
6. Not at all honest 15 14

d. Paul Ryan

1. Extremely honest   7   5
2. Very honest 12 15
3. Quite honest 22 25
4. Somewhat honest 30 26
5. Not very honest 14 15
6. Not at all honest 15 14

e. Bernie Sanders

1. Extremely honest 16 15
2. Very honest 15 23
3. Quite honest 20 23
4. Somewhat honest 24 22
5. Not very honest 14   8
6. Not at all honest 10   8

f. Donald Trump

1. Extremely honest 15 13
2. Very honest 14 14
3. Quite honest 13 10
4. Somewhat honest 12 14
5. Not very honest 13 11
6. Not at all honest 34 38

g. Elizabeth Warren

1. Extremely honest **   8
2. Very honest ** 14
3. Quite honest ** 20
4. Somewhat honest ** 26
5. Not very honest ** 14
6. Not at all honest ** 18

17. How would you rate each of these candidates on their ability to handle domestic policy? (e.g. economy, health care, immigration etc.)
a. Joe Biden

1. Excellent 16 17
2. Very good 22 24
3. Good 25 25
4. Fair 19 18
5. Poor  17 15

b. Hillary Clinton

1. Excellent 22 21
2. Very good 21 20
3. Good 18 16
4. Fair 14 14
5. Poor 26 29

c. Mitt Romney

1. Excellent 10   6
2. Very good 22 18
3. Good 25 27
4. Fair 25 29
5. Poor 18 20

d. Paul Ryan

1. Excellent   7   5
2. Very good 16 17
3. Good 30 31
4. Fair 28 27
5. Poor  19 19

e. Bernie Sanders

1. Excellent 14 15
2. Very good 20 25
3. Good 26 25
4. Fair 23 19
5. Poor  16 17

f. Donald Trump

1. Excellent 14 14
2. Very good 16 16
3. Good 18 13
4. Fair 14 15
5. Poor  39 42

g. Elizabeth Warren

1. Excellent **   8
2. Very good ** 16
3. Good ** 27
4. Fair ** 26
5. Poor  ** 23

18. How would you rate each of these candidates on their ability to handle foreign policy? (e.g. foreign relations, trade, terrorism)
a. Joe Biden

1. Excellent 16 18
2. Very good 22 23
3. Good 24 25
4. Fair 18 17
5. Poor 20 17

b. Hillary Clinton

1. Excellent 22 23
2. Very good 16 19
3. Good 16 14
4. Fair 16 14
5. Poor 30 30

c. Mitt Romney

1. Excellent   8   6
2. Very good 20 16
3. Good 28 28
4. Fair 25 28
5. Poor 20 22

d. Paul Ryan

1. Excellent   5   5
2. Very good 18 16
3. Good 28 29
4. Fair 27 29
5. Poor  21 21

e. Bernie Sanders

1. Excellent 11 12
2. Very good 21 22
3. Good 26 27
4. Fair 24 20
5. Poor  18 19

f. Donald Trump

1. Excellent 14 13
2. Very good 14 14
3. Good 14 14
4. Fair 15 12
5. Poor 42 46

g. Elizabeth Warren

1. Excellent **   6
2. Very good ** 16
3. Good ** 24
4. Fair ** 29
5. Poor  ** 25

19. How important is each of the following issues to your choice for President?
a. Domestic policy

1. Extremely important 54 49
2. Very important 33 34
3. Somewhat important   9 11
4. Slightly important   3   4
5. Hardly at all important  –   1
6. Not at all important  –   1

b. Foreign policy

1. Extremely important 45 43
2. Very important 37 34
3. Somewhat important 11 17
4. Slightly important  5  4
5. Hardly at all important   1   1
6. Not at all important   1   1

20. How much have you seen or heard about candidates’ positions on:

a. Foreign policy

1. Extremely/ a lot 15 18
2. Quite a bit 27 29
3. A fair amount 28 27
4. Some 20 17
5. Not so much   7   7
6. Not at all   3   2

b. Domestic policy

1. Extremely/ a lot 15 20
2. Quite a bit 28 29
3. A fair amount 28 26
4. Some 19 15
5. Not so much  7   7
6. Not at all  3   1

21. How much do you feel you know about candidates’ positions on:

a. Ddomestic policy

1. Extremely/ a lot 13 17
2. Quite a bit 23 28
3. A fair amount 31 27
4. Some 22 19
5. Not so much   7   8
6. Not at all   3   2

b. Foreign policy

1. Extremely/ a lot 12 15
2. Quite a bit 23 28
3. A fair amount 31 25
4. Some 23 21
5. Not so much   8 10
6. Not at all   3   2

22. Do you support or oppose each of the following as a way to limit the impact of special interest money on the political process?
a. Public financing of elections

1. Strongly support 23
2. Support 42
3. Oppose 25
4. Strongly oppose 10

b. Lower limits on the amount individuals can donate to candidates

1. Strongly support 35
2. Support 46
3. Oppose 15
4. Strongly oppose  3

c. Better disclosure requirements for all political contributions

1. Strongly support 50
2. Support 41
3. Oppose   8
4. Strongly oppose   1

23. Do you support or oppose allowing groups not affiliated with a campaign to spend as much money as they want to elect or defeat political candidates?

1. Strongly support 11
2. Support 28
3. Oppose 35
4. Strongly oppose 26

24. In 2014, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in the Citizens United case that allowed organizations outside of the campaigns themselves to spend unlimited money on election campaigns. In view of the Supreme Court’s ruling, would you support or oppose an effort by Congress to reinstate limits on Corporate or union spending on election campaigns?

1. Strongly support 29
2. Support 42
3. Oppose 22
4. Strongly oppose   7

25. Do you support or oppose laws that require voters to show photographic identification before casting ballots?

1. Support – These laws help combat voter irregularities and fraud 77
2. Oppose – These laws reduce turnout and disenfranchise youth as well as ethnic and racial minority voters 23

26. Do you support or oppose same-day registration laws that allow people to register to vote on Election Day and cast a ballot in that same day’s election?

1. Support – These laws help increase participation in our elections 64
2. Oppose – These laws increase the likelihood of voting irregularities and fraud 36