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Seton College Dean Jason Ford Announces New Associate Deans


Meet the Expanded Leadership Team of Seton College

The first-ever first day of classes for Seton College—the University of Mount Saint Vincent’s new two-year school—is right around the corner. The first cohort of Seton College students has already been immersing itself in campus life as part of the intensive summer orientation and preparation program, but there’s still a lot more work to be done to ensure classrooms are ready for August 27.

The first and only of its kind in New York—and the Northeast region, at that—Seton College is a two-year division of the University of Mount Saint Vincent that will offer the opportunity for students to earn an associate degree. The targeted population of Seton College students will be those who have been historically underserved by the traditional four-year model of higher education, those who may require additional academic support, and yet those who are motivated for post-secondary success. The program’s goal is to prepare students to enroll in a bachelor’s degree program following their two years of study, or begin their professional careers.

Mount Saint Vincent has partnered with the Come to Believe Network (CTB) to model the launch of Seton College, working alongside CTB professionals to give life to what was once only a dream. In less than two years, Seton College began as a pondering thought and flourished into a blossoming program—ready to educate the next generation of learners.

Oh, and did we forget to mention that most—if not, all—Seton College students will graduate from the two-year program debt free? Yes, you read that right! With the help of federal and state aid, coupled with generous institutional scholarships, Seton College students will take out no loans to help pay for their studies, and many will also pay no out-of-pocket tuition costs.

This is the future of higher education, launching right here at the University of Mount Saint Vincent.

And to help meet the demands of establishing a new school, Dean Jason Ford has announced that, after an extensive search, two new Seton College Associate Deans were hired with terms beginning on July 1.

Katherine (Katie) Alexander, PhD has been appointed the Seton College Associate Dean for Academics, and Sharon Ortega, MBA has been appointed the Seton College Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement.

Both Associate Deans have already hit the ground running (or, perhaps Vinny the Dolphin would say ‘have jumped into the river swimming’) in their new roles. With just under a month of work under their belts, Katie and Sharon have already spent countless hours interviewing prospective faculty members, outlining advisement models and curricula, and, working alongside the Division of Facilities and Operations, making sure the renovated space on the fifth floor of Founders Hall is outfitted with all the resources necessary to engage Seton College students in a successful start of their higher education careers.

“At Seton College, we are hiring individuals who live and embrace the mission of Seton College, the University of Mount Saint Vincent, and the Sisters of Charity,” shared Dean Ford. “I could not think of two individuals who better embody the mission, values, and charism of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton than Dr. Alexander and Sharon. These two are the beginning of a ‘Dream Team!’”

Meet Katie Alexander, Seton College Associate Dean for Academics

You might not need to meet Dr. Alexander, perhaps just be reintroduced! Dr. Alexander is no stranger to the Mount—having spent the last 11 years of her career here at the Right Place on the River. She began her tenure as an Assistant Professor of Psychology, earning a promotion to Associate Professor and later Chair. For the past year, Dr. Alexander served as the Assistant Dean for Pathway Programs in our Oxley Integrated Advising Program, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the HEOP, TRiO, and MAP programs and developing her leadership skills.

Dr. Alexander knew that she wanted to work in higher education ever since she, herself, was in college. It was a transformational experience for her, and she wanted to be able to provide that same life-giving experience to students in the decades to come.

When asked what drew her in to apply for this new role, Dr. Alexander shared that it was an opportunity she knew she couldn’t pass up.

“I actually heard about the Mount’s plan to launch Seton College a couple of years ago, and I was immediately excited because I could see right away that it is an ideal model of higher education for this population,” Dr. Alexander explained. “I knew, even back then, that I wanted to be involved in some way. The opportunity to serve as one of the inaugural Associate Deans wouldn’t come again, and it just felt like all of my experience aligned.”

As the Seton College Associate Dean for Academics, Dr. Alexander will be responsible for the development, maintenance, and on-going assessment of the curriculum and related programs of study for Seton College students—and (of course) support and hire the Seton College faculty. As a core member of the Seton College Leadership team, Dr. Alexander will work closely with Dean Ford in the administration of the College, including support of the budget and general operations with key University of Mount Saint Vincent offices.

Yes, yes. That’s a lot of fancy words. But, at the heart of her role, Dr. Alexander promises to foster a student-centered educational environment responsive to diverse learner needs—keeping the students of Seton College at the heart of every decision she makes.

“As one of the founding Associate Deans, I’m tasked with the privilege and responsibility of leading the team of faculty and students as we build our shared pedagogical vision,” added Dr. Alexander. “My hope is that the students learn transferrable skills that will help them succeed in furthering both their education and their career, but I also hope that they develop a strong liberal arts foundation because, ultimately, that’s going to shape the way they view the world and empower them to influence others and effect positive change.”

We, of course, had to ask Dr. Alexander what she’s most excited for in her new role.

“I’m most excited to begin working hands-on with the faculty and students. My vision is for us to create a reciprocal learning community.”

As part of her leadership organization, Dr. Alexander will meet with all Seton College faculty members twice a month, engaging in professional development opportunities and sharing teaching expertise and best practices. She hopes that, as a whole, the Seton College faculty will be continuously improving as they learn how they can best meet student needs.

Dr. Alexander is also a firm believer in the work of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, for whom Seton College shares its namesake.

“When I think of Elizabeth Ann Seton, I think of self-actualization, which is an idea in psychology that people are driven to reach their full unique potential. Elizabeth Ann Seton is a picture of someone who strove for self-actualization. She had multiple roles; she was a woman, a mother, an educator, a leader. Her work was all about helping others achieve their potential, and that’s really what we’re doing in Seton College. We’re laying down the path for our students so whatever it is that they want to achieve, they will be able to pursue it to the fullest.”

Recently, on the first day of the summer program, Dr. Alexander asked all the students to think of a song that describes them—a song that really gets to the essence of who they are as a person, whether it be in the rhythm or the lyrics. She then encouraged them to come back to that song when things get tough. Self-growth is not easy, but Dr. Alexander wanted her students to remember that whatever song they selected describes a person who decided to go to college. A person who is not afraid to take on a challenge. A person who is not afraid to grow, change, and expand their perspectives.

That’s the center of the work being done at Seton College. And the center of the work Dr. Alexander hopes to achieve as Seton College’s inaugural Associate Dean for Academics.

Meet Sharon Ortega, Seton College Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement

Sharon comes to the Mount from our Riverdale neighbor Manhattan College, where she spent the past 11 years working in various roles in student engagement. She started as an office manager and quickly climbed the ranks, concluding her tenure at Manhattan as the Assistant Dean of Students and Assistant Director of Student Development. In that dual role, Sharon led the student conduct process and steered various student development initiatives.

Living and working in our beautiful home of Riverdale, Sharon had been interested in transitioning to a role at the Mount for quite some time now. Having visited campus before (don’t worry, she agrees that it’s beautiful!) and hearing about the programs we offer our community, she knew that working for Seton College would be the chance of a lifetime.

To put it frankly, her experience—both personal and professional—make her the perfect fit for the Associate Dean role in Seton College.

“After high school, I enrolled at Bronx Community College,” Sharon shared. “My grades were, truthfully, not strong enough to apply for many of the four-year degree programs. I understand firsthand the opportunity that Seton College will provide to our students through a pathway to an associate degree. With my strong background in student development, I know the aspects of campus life that our students need to be successful, and I hope to bring those to the forefront in my new role.”

As the Seton College Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement, Sharon will be responsible for leading all student life and wrap-around support initiatives within Seton College, including community and belonging, student development, retention, and support for basic needs. As a core member of the Seton College leadership team, Sharon will work closely with Dean Ford in the administration of the College, including building a strong working relationship with the University’s existing Student Life and Career Education professionals.

Through all her work—with colleagues and alongside students—Sharon will work with a goal of establishing a student culture where diversity is not only acknowledged, but celebrated and where students learn to respect differences, take responsibility for their actions, and exercise leadership.

“I’m honored to be one of the founding Associate Deans, especially as there are so many others who have already been pioneers of the Seton College program,” said Sharon. “My hope for these first few months is that our students will feel at home as they begin to explore their higher education journey. I hope they discover a love for knowledge and community. And I hope that Seton College creates amazing opportunities for our students, but that we also serve the entire University community.”

And don’t think we forgot to ask Sharon what she’s most excited for in her new role!

“I’m excited to provide a space for our students that both physically and figuratively supports their development as a college student.”

Sharon hopes to be able to watch Seton College students grow over their two years of study at the Mount—within and beyond the classroom. And, on a more personal front, Sharon is excited to continue to meet new people as she becomes immersed in the Mount Saint Vincent community.

Although Sharon has only been on campus for about a month, she is already familiar with the Mount Saint Vincent mission and has experience in the development of the whole person from her time at Manhattan College, a fellow liberal arts college in the Catholic tradition.

“I love working for an institution that believes in exploration and discovery,” Sharon explained. “I also believe in the importance of history and legacy. I want our Seton College students to know the significance of Elizabeth Ann Seton and how her legacy will be a part of their own stories. Through my work in student engagement, I hope to collaborate with my colleagues in the University’s Office of Mission and Ministry to share elements of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s history and the Sisters of Charity’s mission with Seton College students.”

Sharon has tons of advice for our Seton College students—some she’s already shared! But, she encourages them to take a deep breath and take it all in. Students will have a plethora of knowledge, workshops, programs, campus life opportunities, and resources available at their disposal, so there’s no need to rush. Sharon hopes they will absorb and grow as a student and, down the road, into a professional.

We’re sure there’s plenty more advice to be shared, and we’re eager to learn more about Sharon’s wisdom as she spearheads new campus life initiatives as Seton College’s inaugural Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement.

Dean Ford shared a few more words on both Dr. Alexander and Sharon:

“As the academic leader of Seton College, Dr. Alexander brings a vast amount of knowledge and experience as an educator and student advocate. She, more so than almost anyone else, knows our student population and can help anticipate their learning needs, allowing for a smooth transition into college. Sharon, likewise, has enjoyed a remarkable career in higher education, but even more importantly, can connect with the students from her personal experiences and academic journey. She has dedicated more than a decade of her life to mission-centered higher education and will ensure that our students remain the center of our focus by working with campus partners to make sure our students will have plenty of engagement and activities outside of the classroom.”

We ask that the entire Mount community joins us in welcoming Katie and Sharon to the Mount with open arms (or fins!).

The University would also like to share that His Eminence Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, will be coming on campus at 10 AM on Tuesday, August 27 for the dedication and blessing of the newly renovated Seton College space on the fifth floor of Founders Hall. Those who wish to join us for the event as media representatives or guests are encouraged to contact the Office of Public Relations at

About the University of Mount Saint Vincent
Founded in 1847 by the Sisters of Charity, the University of Mount Saint Vincent offers a nationally recognized liberal arts education and a select array of professional fields of study on a landmark campus overlooking the Hudson River. Committed to the education of the whole person, and enriched by the unparalleled cultural, educational, and career opportunities of New York City, the University equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for lives of achievement, professional accomplishment, and leadership in the 21st century.