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Sisters of Charity in Health Care


On Wednesday, October 7, the University of Mount Saint Vincent, along with the Sisters of Charity, will present a lecture, The Sisters of Charity in Health Care. This presentation is part of the 2009 Lecture Series, Sisters of Charity: 200 Years and Beyond. The event will feature speaker Bernadette McCauley, Ph.D., and three distinguished panelists, all experts in the healthcare field. The Lecture Series is part of an ongoing series of events that celebrate 200 years of the Sisters of Charity in New York City.

The Sisters of Charity, who established the University of Mount Saint Vincent, have made remarkable contributions to the City in aiding the poor and the sick.  These speakers will recount the contributions made, and the challenges faced by the Sisters over the span of two centuries.

Bernadette McCauley is the author of Who Shall Take Care of Our Sick?: Roman Catholic Sisters and the Development of Catholic Hospitals in New York, and the Associate Professor of history at Hunter College.

Following her presentation will be a panel discussion with Miriam Kevin Phillips, SC, Senior Vice President for Mission at St. Vincent Catholic Medical Centers of NY; Dr. Carol Vicino, Chair of the College’s Nursing Department; and Karen Vicino Bourgeois, Mount Saint Vincent Instructor of Nursing. Megan Gonzalez, Mount nursing major class of 2011, will present the panelists.

The event will take place Wednesday, October 7, in Smith Hall, at 7:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend free of charge. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information on the Sisters of Charity, visit