Best Colleges Universities
Mount Saint Vincent Named to Money’s Best Colleges List Once Again

The accolades just keep coming for the Right Place on the River, and we’ll never get tired of sharing them!
We’re proud to announce that the University of Mount Saint Vincent has been recognized as one of the 2024 Money Best Colleges in America.
That’s right—put your fins together!
“I could not be more excited that the University of Mount Saint Vincent was included on Money’s Best Colleges in America list this year,” shared Mount President Dr. Susan R. Burns. “Our rating from Money, coupled with all our recent rankings, only further proves that Mount Saint Vincent is dedicated providing our student body with an inclusive, diverse experience both within and beyond the classroom that gives opportunities for anyone and everyone looking to earn a college education—regardless of financial means.”
Money was founded in 1972 to help everyday people live richer lives (both literally and metaphorically) by providing ways for them to learn personal finance strategies that improved their bottom line. The cost of college is at the forefront of the American conversation (now, more than ever!), and Money recognizes that it is important for a historically trusted financial brand to lend their voice in the decision-making process of young folks and their families across the nation.
To help inform their Best Colleges list, Money, partnering with Witlytic, utilized a methodology that considered dozens of data points related to quality, affordability, and student outcomes of all 2,400 four-year public and private nonprofit colleges and universities in the United States, including: the cost of attendance, financial aid, and alumni salaries.
To make the initial cut, all schools had to have at least 500 undergraduate students or 150 freshmen, have sufficient, reliable data to be analyzed, not be in financial distress, and have a graduation rate that was at or above the median for its institutional category (public, private or historically black college or university), or have a high “value-added” graduation rate (score in the top 25% of graduation rates after accounting for the student body).
That whittled down the final list to just over 700 institutions.
Each of those institutions was then rated on a total of 25 factors across three categories: Quality of Education (accounting for 30% of the final rating), Affordability (accounting for 40% of the final rating), and Outcomes (accounting for 30% of the final rating).
Once scores were calculated, each college or university was given a rating out of five stars (“half stars” included!).
“We understand most readers are used to numerical rankings that order colleges, but we feel a rating system more accurately represents the variation in colleges’ performance,” Money shared. “In a numbered ranking, very small differences in colleges’ scores result in different ranks, exaggerating the difference in performance. As experts have long advised, it’s more important to look broadly at where a college lands on a list and not its precise rank.”
Mount Saint Vincent’s rating, you might ask? A whopping four stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
A four-star rating is a significant accomplishment, as it indicates that the Mount not only has significant resources in place to help our students succeed in the classroom, but our students also demonstrate significant outcomes related to job placement and career readiness after graduation.
“Starting before our students even officially step foot on campus, we tell them that we’ll be their partners in learning—and we mean it,” said Dr. Gabrielle Occhiogrosso, Dean of the Undergraduate College. “At the Mount, we take pride in our teamwork. Students are paired with not one, but two advisors who guide them through their four years of study and beyond. Advisors get to know their students personally, helping them set a path (and a plan) for their current and future success.”
All Mount students also complete an FYE (or, First Year Experience) course, which offers them foundational skills for success in the college classroom. Additionally, our Oxley Integrated Advising Program is a unique, nationally-recognized program that begins on the first day of a students’ time at the Mount and continues through graduation. Within the Oxley Program, students identify their strengths and interests, understand the value of those strengths and the range of opportunities associated with them, and strategize how to translate what they love into a career.
And don’t even get us started on our location…
Where better to study and grow as a young adult than New York City?! We firmly believe that a Mount education goes beyond knowledge, skills, and preparation for work. That’s why our NYC location is essential to building our students up to be independent thinkers who become valued members of society.
“Over the past few months, I’ve shared that I believe our nation is in one of the most tumultuous eras of higher education—with many (young people and parents alike) questioning the value of a four-year degree,” Dr. Burns added. “Our ratings and rankings show that Mount Saint Vincent’s work is justified, respected, and important. I hope our faculty, staff, and students feel gratified to be counted among the very few institutions across America delivering the best value for an investment in a degree. I am proud that we remain student-centered and committed to the benefits of the liberal arts at an affordable price.”
Money fully understands that there isn’t a “best” college or university for each student, but they hope their ratings can help prospective students find a school that best fits their budget and interests.
And while we fully concur that no two schools are exactly alike, at Mount Saint Vincent, we’re committed to helping our students find all the ways we are and can be the Right Place on the River for them.
About the University of Mount Saint Vincent
Founded in 1847 by the Sisters of Charity, the University of Mount Saint Vincent offers a nationally recognized liberal arts education and a select array of professional fields of study on a landmark campus overlooking the Hudson River. Committed to the education of the whole person, and enriched by the unparalleled cultural, educational, and career opportunities of New York City, the University equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for lives of achievement, professional accomplishment, and leadership in the 21st century.