Mount Athletes, Wheelchair Sports Federation Team Up
Student Club Hosts Competition for Basketball Stars
While college athletes are typically acknowledged for their physical capabilities and statistical accomplishments, Mount athletes remain dedicated to service, receptivity, and the community.
On February 23, 2019 the University of Mount Saint Vincent’s Business of Sports Club hosted a Jr. NBA Skills Competition for adaptive athletes with the Wheelchair Sports Federation, a national nonprofit that provides opportunities for disabled and wheelchair-bound adults and youth to play sports recreationally and competitively.
“As part of its overriding mission, the Business of Sports Club actively pursues opportunities through sport to help the community,” said Jonathan Rosenberg, Instructor of Business and Economics and advisor to the club. “At the event, several members volunteered to assist in running the Jr. NBA Skills Competition. Club volunteers gained event knowledge and, more importantly, were exposed to the power of sport on the physically challenged community for improved health and social connectivity.”
The inaugural event, held in the Peter J. Sharp Athletic and Recreation Center, welcomed juniors from the New York Rolling Fury Wheelchair Basketball Team as they competed against the clock to see who would have the highest score. Mount student volunteers assisted the players and were joined by members of the Brooklyn Nets and Nassau Kings Wheelchair Basketball Teams. Winners from the competition will advance to a regional event, and those winners will have the opportunity to compete during the NBA Finals.
Mount volunteers weren’t just assisting throughout the event—they also had the chance to play with and learn from the young athletes.

“It was an awesome experience to watch them play with such passion and dedication despite any limitations,” said Rob Modica ’21. “The participants weren’t only teaching our college athletes how to move, dribble, and shoot, but were inspiring them to attain positivity even during their innermost frustration.”
And the Rolling Fury didn’t take it easy on the Mount athletes.
“It became quite a competition, but the gym was filled with nothing but love and gratitude,” continued Rob. “The banter and witty comments made the event competitive and fun. I am truly grateful they allowed me to play. This was an experience I will never forget.”
Rob was just one of the many exceptional athletes who participated in this event. Other Mount volunteers included Jeremy Glazer ’19, Gabriella Marinese ’19, Neven Skoblar ’19, Jacob McKeown ’20, Carol Santo ’19, Jordan Steiger ’19, Tim Guido ’19, Tyler Reyes ’20, Christian Santiago ’21, Luciano Cirelli ’21, and Ross Bartziokas ’21.
Since the inaugural event, the club has continued to host the teams on various weekends throughout March.

“I was extremely proud of how these young men and women engaged in all aspects of the competition and all following events,” continued Jonathan Rosenberg. “Whether picking up cones, assisting a parent or athlete in need, or joining in on the game, all have been fully dedicated to the group and the celebration of sport.”
—Breeze-Lyn Morita ’20
About the University of Mount Saint Vincent
Founded in 1847 by the Sisters of Charity, the University of Mount Saint Vincent offers nationally recognized liberal arts education and a select array of professional fields of study on a landmark campus overlooking the Hudson River. Committed to the education of the whole person, and enriched by the unparalleled cultural, educational, and career opportunities of New York City, the College equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for lives of achievement, professional accomplishment and leadership in the 21st century.