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Social Issues in the United States:
Human Trafficking Survey Results

1,253 adults interviewed online May 14-26, 2015
Field work conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs

Some questions from this survey have been held for later release.

3F. How much have you read or heard about each of these social issues in the United States today? Human trafficking

Extensively / a lot 13
Quite a bit 15
A fair amount 22
Some 24
Not very much 17
Not at all 8

4F. How much do you feel you know about each of these social issues in the United States today? Human trafficking     

Extensively / a lot 9
Quite a bit 14
A fair amount 23
Some 23
Not very much 23
Not at all 8

5F. Using the scale below, please indicate how important you think each of these social issues is in the United States today. Human trafficking

Extremely important 35
Very important 28
Somewhat important 23
Slightly important 10
Not very important 3
Not at all important 2

7F. How widespread and common do you think each of these social issues is in the United States today? Human trafficking

Extremely 16
Very 20
Somewhat 33
Slightly 19
Not very 9
Not at all 2

8F. Do you know anyone who has personally experienced …? Human trafficking

Yes 7
No 93

9F. How serious a problem do you think each of these social issues is for those experiencing it in the United States today? Human trafficking

Extremely serious 37
Very serious 24
Somewhat serious 20
Slightly serious 13
Not very serious 4
Not at all serious 2

10F. To what extent do you think each of these social issues is already being adequately addressed in the United States today? Human trafficking

Addressed completely 6
Addressed to a very great extent 8
Addressed somewhat 27
Addressed slightly 27
Not addressed very well 24
Not at all addressed 8

11F. For each of the following social issues in the United States today, please indicate if you have or have not spent time being personally involved in trying to help. Human trafficking

Yes, have 9
No, have not 91

12F. How interested are you in getting personally involved in working towards a solution to each of these social issues in the United States? Human trafficking

Extremely interested 11
Very interested 14
Somewhat interested 20
Slightly interested 23
Not very interested 17
Not at all interested 14

18. Do you consider people who are forced to work in prostitution against their will to be victims of human trafficking?

Yes 92
No 8

19. Do you consider people who are forced to work as domestic servants against their will to be victims of human trafficking?

Yes 90
No 10

20. Do you consider people who are forced to work as migratory construction and farm laborers against their will to be victims of human trafficking?

Yes 79
No 21

21. Do you consider people who voluntarily work in prostitution to be part victims of human trafficking?

Yes 30
No 70

22. Do you consider people who voluntarily work as domestic servants to be part victims of human trafficking?

Yes 20
No 80

23. Do you consider people who voluntarily work as migratory construction or farm laborers to be part victims of human trafficking?

Yes 17
No 83

23A. Do you consider people who are voluntarily smuggled into the United States to be part victims of human trafficking?

Yes 46
No 54

23B. Are victims of human trafficking mostly people from inside the United States or mostly from outside of the United States?  (answers were rotated)

Mostly people from inside the US 24
Mostly people from outside of the US 76

23C. How widespread and common of a problem do you think human trafficking is for people who live in each of the following places in the United States? (questions were rotated)

A. Rural areas

Extremely 9
Very 19
Somewhat 32
Slightly 19
Not very 15
Not at all 6

B. Suburban areas

Extremely 12
Very 24
Somewhat 32
Slightly 18
Not very 10
Not at all 4

C. Urban areas

Extremely 22
Very 33
Somewhat 31
Slightly 7
Not very 3
Not at all 2

27. Earlier you indicated that you felt that voluntary prostitution (was/was not) part of human trafficking. Why do you feel that way?

Human Trafficking Not Human Trafficking
Not forced 3 32
A choice 10 62
Forced 9
Illegal/criminal 1
Can’t get away from it 5
Money driven 8 7
They’re in need 19 4
Moral reasons 8 2
Some take advantage 16 1
Still trafficking 9
Nothing 3 2
Other 11 7
DK/NS 21 7

Adds to more than 100% because more than one response was permitted

28A. Have you ever heard of the “Polaris Project”?

Yes 7
No 93

28B.     IF YES, ASK: What do you know about the Polaris Project?

Not enough respondents to provide percentages

29A. Have you ever heard of the “Blue Campaign”?

Yes 6
No 94

29B. IF YES, ASK: Who sponsors the “Blue Campaign”?

Not enough respondents to provide percentages

29C. IF YES, ASK:  What is the Blue Campaign about?

Not enough respondents to provide percentages

29D. Have you heard of the National Human Trafficking Resource Center?

Yes 28
No 72

29E. IF YES, ASK:  Do you know the phone number or text number for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center?

 Of those who have heard of the National Human Trafficking Resource Center:

Yes 11
No 89

29F. The US Senate recently passed legislation to fight human sex trafficking in the United States. The legislation was held up for a significant amount of time by a controversy. Were you aware of the issue that held up the legislation?

Yes, aware of the controversy 15
No, not aware of the controversy 85

29G. IF YES, ASK: What was the controversy that held up the sex trafficking legislation?

Of those who have heard of the controversy:

Abortion funding/Hyde Amendment 10
Dispute over Loretta Lynch, new Attorney General 5
Immigration 2
Disagreement over whether to pass the bill 4
Nothing 4
Other 36
DK/NS 44

Adds to more than 100% because more than one response was permitted

29H. Have you heard any negative publicity about nail salon operations lately?

Yes 29
No 71

29I. IF YES: What did you hear about nail salons?

Of those who have heard about the nail salons:

Toxic chemicals used/harmful fumes 17
Cleanliness/dirty environment 18
Use of forced labor 13
Low wages 22
Use of illegal immigrants 8
Poor working conditions 9
Unsafe/dangerous working conditions 11
Front for prostitution 11
Employers held on to papers/visas 1
Employees paid owners for work 1
Racial discrimination 2
Legislation to protect nail salon workers 2
Cover for illegal activities 6
Not properly trained 1
Media news 5
Nothing 2
Other 8
DK/NS 10

Adds to more than 100% because more than one response was permitted