The Dean’s List: Fall 2023
355 Earn Academic Standing Honors

The end of the semester always brings a sigh of relief to our hardworking student body—leading up to a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of yet another academic term. However, it is also a cause for celebration: we are proud to share our biannual list of studious Dolphins who earned a spot on the Fall 2023 Dean’s List!
This semester, we have a nearly record-breaking list of 355 students who achieved top honors. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, undergraduate students must achieve a GPA of 3.50 or higher, complete at least four courses in the semester, and earn a minimum of 12 credits.
The following students met or exceeded these criteria based on grades reported as of December 2023:
Class of 2024 | ||
Manar Abualteen | Kaitlyn Earley | Ekenedilichukwu Okonkwo |
Nicole Accomando Donoghue | Shannet Foster | Megan Ortega |
Edna Ademi | Brooke Frierson | Joseph Osei |
Sydney Alvarado | Samantha Galdamez | Peter Pannullo |
Bryan Amezquita | Valeria Garcia | Ernesto Pena |
Betty Amoakohene | Bendalie Gilet | Juana Peralta |
Amy Aqeel | Kayla Hanley | Sophie Pincus |
Vickssy Aracena | Grace Hickey | Amparo Potenza |
Mary Asante | Jazmin Humphreys | Kaylee Price |
Jacob Bailly | Katherine Hungerford | Savitri Puran |
Zanahya Baldwin | Issah Ibrahim | Ariana Quintana |
Albertina Berisha | Fati Imran Ali | Mallory Rankin |
Leanna Biberaj | Emiko Inoue | Chantelle Rivera |
Mia Brito | Bryan Intal | Christina Rivera |
Kacey Brown | Maurice Jackman | Hayley Rodriguez |
Cynthia Brunette | Janaa Jacques | Shamsa Roshan |
Kristina Byrne | John Jimenez | Juliet Rossi |
Analydia Camacho | Alexandra Junco | Rosangel Rubiera |
Amanda Cardoso | Sean Kennedy | Gabriella Sanchez |
Patricia Casino | Narrisa Khan | Joseph Santana |
Eamley Chery | Alyssa La Torre | Elsean Ceasar Santos |
Kaitlin Cirillo | Christopher Lewis | Laurie Seney |
Eddy Cruz | Patrice Lewis | Joshua Shiwdin |
Sian Limuel Cruz | Humberto Lopez | Matthew Smajlaj |
Ashane Cuevas | Timothy Magsino | Olisa Sokoli |
Jasmin Daboin | Raya Maittia | Ava Starace |
Michelle D’agostino | Alpha Mae Manabat | Terence Strehle |
Kryzelle De Aquino | Danae Elise Manalastas | Haddy Tambedou |
Xavier De Leon | Jan Arielle Manosca | Hanzhang Tang |
Daniella Deangelis | Desteny Marin | Chelsea Taveras |
Ruthie Fay Dejano | Samantha Marji | Shakira Tcha-santi |
Yiany Delarosa | Aldryn Marquez | Ashley Teal |
David Delvalle | Jocelyn Martinez | Kyle Thompson |
Juliana Dente | Brianna Mazzariello | Felix Vazquez |
Darleny Dilone | Keirsten McDonald | Daniel Vega |
Joseph Dinorcia | Meagan Meeuwisse | Miguel Velez |
Corhine Domond | Valbona Metaliaj | Gabriela Vila |
Enxi Dong | Destiny Mirabal | Nyah Williams |
Albert Dore | Emily Nash | Mariyam Yaw |
Daniela Duffy | Ivan Nemeil Navarro | Lesia Young |
Shaneice Nelson |
Class of 2025 | ||
Estefani Alfaro | Abigail Farillas | Melissa Moukas |
Reinieri Almendares | Melanie Flores | Brianna Nelson |
Genesis Alvarez | Victoria Gamarra | Pamela Ohakam |
Amdiya Amuda | Beirut Garcia | Nicole Ong |
Angelo Bartziokas | Mateo Gonzalez | Leslieann Ovalle |
Ekaterina Bereznikova | Derryn James | Dominick Porto |
Shamoni Berrios | Steven Jaquez | Nicholas Rodriguez |
Yeseli Bonilla | Lillian Jugasek | Josenny Rodriguez |
Raheim Bryant | Drew Knight | Ashley Salgado |
Rayshawn Bryant | Jake Luxoro | Christian Santamaria |
Marlin Cabrera | Isaac Mack | Jeffrey Santana |
Kemely Camilo | Tyler Margolis | Cheyenne Schober |
Isabella Castro | Lena Marin | Curtis Siaw |
Jacob Cochran | Carlos Martinez | Gabriella Streeter |
Kaitlyn De La Cruz | Casandra Matos | Ashly Tejada Cerda |
Gabriela Del Castillo | Tiarah McCallum | Emily Toepfer |
Max Duenow | Randolph Medina | Susan Trigo |
Runel Dussuau | Paz Morales Saldias | Therchie Williams |
Chad Ewart | Isabella Motz | Samantha Yaker |
Class of 2026 | ||
Hosanna Abinader-Ramos | Jha Nae Gordon | Gerard Novello |
Karen Adames | William Granata | Brinn O’Leary |
Ikram Adem | Haoran Gu | Dominique Otranto |
Thuraya Almontaser | Mila Gutierrez | Makayla Pain |
Brian Anderson | Samantha Hans | Joselyn Pena |
Julia Angeles | Sarah-Gail Harvey | Cristina Plaza-Arias |
Jose Arce | Shayla Hassler | Zhiyu Qiu |
Savannah Autobee | Jasmine Hewitt | Nena Ramos |
Kirsten Basdeo | Yingqi Hong | Xiara Roman |
Jyril Bendo | Ariful Hoque | Stephanie Roman |
Genesis Betances | Kari Horos | Isabella Rosado |
Annalise Betances | Allana Jaundoo | Kyra Ross |
Miranda Blanco | Coraima Jimenez Lopez | Javiera Sanchez |
Nicholas Bottalico | Miles Joven | Ariana Sanchez |
Emily Breen | Gonul Jusinova | Skyla Sayers |
Madison Brooks | George Kakomanolis | Leila Schiavo |
John Brucato | Alexiah Karlberg | Sean Schools |
Rachel Burke | Haniya Kiyar | Kaichao Shang |
Angelina Cardone | Imani Laidlaw | Janelly Silva |
Simone Caruso | Emily Legler | Brianna Stennett |
Denise Castillo | JaKaia Lotz | Asiyah Tomlinson |
Stuart Condado | Emily Maestre | Izaiah Velez |
Melanie Cortes | Sabrina Mafaraci | Aida Velovic |
Franchesca De La Rosa | Xylina Martinez | Patricia Brien Villaruz |
Dylan Duffy | Keona Marie Matsui | George Villegas |
Serena Duran | Brendan Meaney | YuQiao Wang |
Jahrak Enfe | Ella Meberg | Charlotte Warman |
Saurina Etienne-Salomon | Amanda Mercado | Shannon Williams |
Wanyi Feng | Arianna Grace Morales | Xiaolu Xie |
Yisbel Fermin | Jhon Moscoso | Chunyue Xu |
Cameron Forstell | Kadesha Moussa | Xiaoyan You |
Yueming Gao | Aminata Njie | Haoran Zhu |
Daniela Nolasco |
Class of 2027 | ||
Melody Acheampong | Dorcas Gramajo | Fabid Rahman |
Mariane Alcana | Gabrielle Greenblatt | Joseph Reid |
Kendys Alvarado | Jadsly Grullon | Melanie Rodriguez |
Myra Amankwah | Ziyi Hua | Alexandria Rufa |
Brian Amparo | Emily Isidoro Cordova | Lorenzo Salegna |
Krystal Areizaga | Destiny King | John Sam-Bruce |
Matthias Bascom | Alexander Kondrachov | Newone Samuels |
Tyrone Bedio | Gwan Ho Kong | Scheyder Santana |
Hailey Berger | Tyler Kropp | Ryan Sharkey |
Emily Broderick | Brisseis Lantigua | Natasha Singh |
Kianna Brown | Carla Lara | Kira Smith |
Katherine Caceres | Carla Levin Lazo | Carly Snyder |
Malikiha Canaan | Michaela Ligon | Gisselle Soria |
Latoya Castillo | Hyeonwoo Lim | Jada’Lee Soto |
Stephanie Chavez | Yestro Luciano | Emma Tejada |
Neris Collazo | Sean Mahoney | Emily Thompson |
Janna Angeline Corpuz | Jaden Martinez | Kimberly Toledo |
Arden Dauz | Jayleen Martinez | Orianna Toribio |
Senaya Dias | Alexis Mensah | Ahoua Traore |
Olivia Dutzer | Stephanie Marie Mital | Brenda Urena |
Parris Ennis | Emil Morban Medrano | Annerys Valdez |
Christian Feliciano | Althea Niza | Noemi Vasquez |
Luis Freire | Kayla O’Connor | Jada Velez |
Jerolina Frias | Skylee Ortiz | Brianna Villegas |
Raina Gengo | Mina Padua | Kaylee Vizcaino |
Safa Ghanem | Jenese Parnell | Andrew Zweiback |
Paige Goerman | Almira Pehratovic |
Congratulations again to our Fall 2023 Dean’s List honorees here at the Right Place on the River! We’re proud of your accomplishments both in and beyond the classroom. Keep up the good work!
About the University of Mount Saint Vincent
Founded in 1847 by the Sisters of Charity, the University of Mount Saint Vincent offers a nationally recognized liberal arts education and a select array of professional fields of study on a landmark campus overlooking the Hudson River. Committed to the education of the whole person, and enriched by the unparalleled cultural, educational, and career opportunities of New York City, the University equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for lives of achievement, professional accomplishment, and leadership in the 21st century.