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The Dean’s List: Spring 2024


318 Earn Academic Standing Honors

Even with the end of another successful semester behind us, there’s still plenty to celebrate! While Mount students across the nation are enjoying the start of their Summer breaks—catching up on rest, working, beginning a new internship, or starting the job hunt—we’re proud to announce the list of students who have been named to the Spring 2024 Dean’s List!

The University of Mount Saint Vincent is thrilled to share that 318 undergraduate students achieved top honors following the completion of the Spring 2024 semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, undergraduate students must achieve a GPA of 3.50 or higher, complete at least four courses in the semester, and earn a minimum of 12 credits.

The following students met or exceeded these criteria based on grades reported as of May 2024:

Class of 2024
Nicolette Acevedo Brooke Frierson Brianna Nelson
Edna Ademi Cristopher Furcal Pamela Ohakam
Reinieri Almendares Beirut Garcia Ekenedilichukwu Okonkwo
Nicole Antonio Ghofrane Ghodhbani Katelyn Orsino
Mariame Bakayoko Mateo Gonzalez Megan Ortega
Lauren Barsch Kayla Hanley Natalie Palacios
Angelo Bartziokas Grace Hickey Edward Peralta
Albertina Berisha Katelyn Hidalgo Juana Peralta
Shamoni Berrios Katherine Hungerford Madison Perez
Angelique Berroya Issah Ibrahim Cherlienne Perez
Leanna Biberaj Emiko Inoue Brynn Pierpont
Issamar Brito Bryan Intal Lucero Polanco
Mia Brito Janaa’ Jacques Dominick Porto
Melanieann Broderick John Jimenez Amparo Potenza
Anifa Brooks Amey Joseph Kaylee Price
Raheim Bryant Alexandra Junco Savitri Puran
Rayshawn Bryant Sean Kennedy Mallory Rankin
Kristina Byrne Narrisa Khan Brian Rawlings
Marlin Cabrera Zipporah Kwakumey Christina Rivera
Francis Camastro Alyssa La Torre Michelle Romero
Deina Camilo Jeremy Lacayo Samantha-Jean Romero
Elvis Cartagena Christopher Lewis Shamsa Roshan
Patricia Casino Patrice Lewis Rosangel Rubiera
Emily Cerqueira Kaitlyn Lopez Cassandra Ruffy
Miriam Ciacca Humberto Lopez Lenicia Salvador
Kaitlin Cirillo Timothy Magsino Rianna Sanchez
Wanda Collado Raya Maittia Gabriella Sanchez
Yarissa Consuegra Danae Elise Manalastas Tayona Sanders
Eddy Cruz Desteny Marin Joseph Santana
Sian Limuel Cruz Lena Marin Yaselie Santiago
German Cruz Samantha Marji Cheyenne Schober
Ashane Cuevas Aldryn Marquez Tianika Siaw
Kerry Curran Jocelyn Martinez Danica Sindo
Kryzelle De Aquino Michelle Martinez Matthew Smajlaj
Yiany De La Rosa Isabella Martinez Gabriella Streeter
Xavier De Leon Brianna Mazzariello Hanzhang Tang
Ruthie Fay Dejano Tiarah McCallum Shakira Tcha-santi
Gabriela Del Castillo Keirsten McDonald Ashly Tejada Cerda
David Delvalle Randolph Medina Leah Thomas
Nantene Diaby Orangel Mejia Mendez Miguel Velez
Joseph Dinorcia Allison Melendez Ashley Vera
Enxi Dong Kyle Mendoza Gabriela Vila
Daniela Duffy Valbona Metaliaj Kayla Williams
Runel Dussuau Isabella Motz Therchie Williams
Lloyd Dyer Samraweat Mulugeta Charles Wireko-Siaw
Kaitlyn Earley Isabella Naranjo Samantha Yaker
Kevin Erhard Ivan Nemeil Navarro Jasmine Youngblood
Chad Ewart Shaneice Nelson

Class of 2025
Thuraya Almontaser Jasmine Hewitt Julie Ni
Julia Angeles Kari Horos Gerard Novello
Savannah Autobee Derryn James Nicole Ong
Isabelle Bagon Michelle James Makayla Pain
Emma Barona Allana Jaundoo Zhiyu Qiu
Jyril Bendo Miles Joven Nena Ramos
Ekaterina Bereznikova Gonul Jusinova Stephanie Roman
Oscar Billman George Kakomanolis Ashley Salgado
Yeseli Bonilla Alexiah Karlberg Javiera Sanchez
Emily Breen Drew Knight Christian Santamaria
Karissa Brooks Emily Legler Christopher Santos
Rachel Burke Isaac Mack Skyla Sayers
Kemely Camilo Emily Maestre Sean Schools
Angelina Cardone Sabrina Mafaraci Brianna Stennett
Samantha Caruso Tyler Margolis Emily Toepfer
Isabella Castro Reigne Marquez Asiyah Tomlinson
Stuart Condado Keona Marie Matsui Yorbelys Urena
Franchesca De La Rosa Kayla McClymont Omaris Valdez
Justin Patrick Demano Dara McGovern Joshua Van De Cruze
Danielle Donoghue Analeece McKnight Silvette Vargas
Dylan Duffy Brendan Meaney Izaiah Velez
Abigail Farillas Cesar Mendez Aida Velovic
Victoria Gamarra Amanda Mercado Patricia Brien Villaruz
Jha Nae Gordon Arianna Grace Morales Charlotte Warman
Sarah-Gail Harvey Paz Morales Saldias Shannon Williams
Shayla Hassler Jhon Moscoso Haoran Zhu
Kadesha Moussa

Class of 2026
Hosanna Abinader-Ramos Gabrielle Greenblatt Althea Niza
Heavenly Acosta YanZhen Gu Aminata Njie
Mariane Alcana Haoran Gu Eveny Nunez
Kendys Alvarado Samantha Hans Skylee Ortiz
Myra Amankwah Leah Hernandez Dominique Otranto
Brian Amparo Yingqi Hong Samantha Payero
Jose Arce Ziyi Hua Cristina Plaza-Arias
Sofia Barone Yiwen Huang Roselee Polanco
Hailey Berger Amira Margaret Idres Eva Puentes
Leriangelica Bonilla Emily Isidoro Cordova Makenna Reekie
Jessica Broderick Barry Johnson Joseph Reid
Madison Brooks Destiny King Molly Rowland
Emily Brownell Alexander Kondrachov Ryan Sharkey
Malikiha Canaan Gwan Ho Kong Taesha Smith
Randy Collado Brisseis Lantigua Carly Snyder
Janna Angeline Corpuz Carla Lara David Tan
Melanie Cortes Carla Levin Lazo Kimberly Toledo
Elhadj Diallo Kairey Lopez Ahoua Traore
Lorraine Dizon JaKaia Lotz Jaelynn Tursi
Olivia Dutzer Yestro Luciano Annerys Valdez
Parris Ennis Jakob Mahon Jada Velez
Wanyi Feng Jaden Martinez Hannah Veloz
Sofia Fitzgerald Ella Meberg Xiaolu Xie
Yueming Gao Alexis Mensah Jiahao Xu
Sabin Ghale Stephanie Marie Mital Xiaoyan You
Paige Goerman Chika Nebolisa Andrew Zweiback
Kaitlyn Grady Reilly Nichtern

Class of 2027
Stephanie Chavez Wonho Lee Scheyder Santana
Mia DelRosario Hyeonwoo Lim Nathaniel Simpson
Jerolina Frias Angelina Linares Tamie Sinclair
Safa Ghanem Jessica Manzueta Nicole Sullivan
Kseniia Koshel Kiara Ramsay Orianna Toribio
Emily Sanchez

Congratulations again to our Spring 2024 Dean’s List honorees here at the Right Place on the River! We’re proud of your accomplishments both in and beyond the classroom. Keep up the good work!

About the University of Mount Saint Vincent
Founded in 1847 by the Sisters of Charity, the University of Mount Saint Vincent offers a nationally recognized liberal arts education and a select array of professional fields of study on a landmark campus overlooking the Hudson River. Committed to the education of the whole person, and enriched by the unparalleled cultural, educational, and career opportunities of New York City, the University equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for lives of achievement, professional accomplishment, and leadership in the 21st century.