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The Mount Offers New Accounting Degree


Bachelor’s of Science Degree Now Being Offered Through the Department of Business and Economics

The University of Mount Saint Vincent is pleased to announce that it is offering for the first time, an undergraduate degree in Accounting. The new Bachelor of Science degree is now available through the Department of Business and Economics. The B.S. in Accounting is a valuable credential that can open many doors of opportunity to graduates who go on to pursue careers in industry, government and the non-profit sector.

Students who graduate from the Mount with a degree in accounting go on to well-paying jobs with opportunities for advancement. With an accounting degree, graduates often pursue a career as a professional accountant in business or government, or in business fields such as management consulting and financial management.

The Department of Business and Economics at the Mount is already an established leader in business programming. The Mount’s B.A. in Business and B.S. in Business Administration are accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, and were the first bachelor’s programs to be accredited in NY in business by ACBSP. The college also offers a B.A. in economics.

There are plans underway to roll out a five-year graduate/CPA track with the Accounting degree which will be offered beginning in 2010. Students who graduate in the five-year program will earn the B.S. in Accounting, an MBA, and will be eligible (with 150 hours) to sit for the CPA exam. For more information about the offerings at the Department of Business and Economics or any other academic department of the Mount, please contact the admissions office at (718) 405-3267.