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Welcome to G.O.L.D.

Anyone who graduated within the last 10 years is automatically a member of G.O.L.D. (Graduates of the Last Decade), representing our youngest and most recent alumnae/i. As a member of G.O.L.D., you’ll have the opportunity to take advantage of the group’s social gatherings, professional networking events, and career-enrichment activities—plus you’ll receive access to exclusive events run by the Office of Alumnae/i Relations and Giving.

In addition to being a G.O.L.D. member, we invite you to also join our planning committee, where you can share ideas for events on and off campus. We are always looking to expand the committee’s network of volunteers!

G.O.L.D. members make a difference. You help create a strong future for the University of Mount Saint Vincent.

Giving Opportunities

When you donate as a G.O.L.D. member, it helps inspire other young alumnae/i to not only give, but reconnect with the Mount.

Gifts to the Annual Fund provide funding for essential scholarships for current and future students. The Annual Fund benefits every aspect of the University—creating scholarships, expanding academic offerings, recruiting and supporting accomplished faculty and staff, and enhancing classroom and other campus facilities. Alumnae/i participation helps the University secure grants from foundations and corporations, and is one of the measures considered in college rankings, which are reviewed by prospective students. Your support illustrates the value of a Mount education. Be a part of this success—every gift makes a difference.

First time donor?

G.O.L.D. members are encouraged to start contributing an amount that reflects their class year—if you graduated in 2019, you can donate $20.19—or any amount you feel comfortable with. Your gift as a young alum does so much more than make a difference—it changes lives.

Give online or contact the Office of Alumnae/i Relations and Giving to learn how you can contribute to the Annual Fund or join in the cause.


Kristin Yanniello
Director for Alumnae/i Relations and Giving

Christina Rasmussen
Associate Director for Alumnae/i Relations and Giving