Creating Career Connections
Networking Event Connects Hundreds of Mount Students to Alums, Employers
Networking is particularly valuable for college students as they search for leads on a job, figure out a future career path, and connect with people at their dream company.
Luckily for Mount Saint Vincent students, the College is always guiding them to every available opportunity in and outside the classroom during their four years, readily preparing them for life after graduation. From the Oxley Center for Academic Advisement and Career Education to the Mentors Program, the College offers various ways to explore and excel—it’s why Mount grads don’t just get jobs, they launch careers.
And it’s not just the College that’s offering support—students are also leading the charge to further expand opportunities for themselves and their classmates. Just last month, the College’s Accounting Society established and hosted the inaugural Alumni Networking Event, inviting back an array of exceptional Mount graduates to mix and mingle with Mount students, packing out Smith Hall on October 24.

Developed by Arta Nikqi ’20, a senior set to graduate this Spring with a B.S. in Business Administration, the event welcomed nearly 30 Mount graduates and their companies—both from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors.
“I knew I wanted to create a program that would be just as valuable to our students as the partner companies in attendance,” said Arta, who initially began planning this event over the summer with Assistant Professor Frank Manzi and the Department of Accounting, Business, and Economics. “Being able to leverage the already strong relationships between our students and alumni to an actual networking event with real opportunities was amazing—and having graduates not only share career guidance, but encourage students to apply for internships and jobs with their companies was the best possible outcome. We’re so proud of the turnout and we are excited to use it as a model for future sessions.”

In planning, researching, and recruiting the various networking partners, Arta was assisted by other members of the Accounting Society’s leadership team to help develop various details and activities, including Tina Nikac ’20 and Adelina Lajqi ’21. Plus, other Accounting Society members—Michael Stern ’21, Jennifer Stern ’22, and Sayde McDermott ’21—pitched in from a communication and event management standpoint.
“Our students worked tirelessly to get this event up and running,” said Frank Manzi, Assistant Professor of Accounting. “This entire event was conceived and executed by the students in the Accounting Society—from corresponding with alums, contacting company participants, and marketing to students, the team went above and beyond. The results paid off—hundreds of Mount student arrived dressed to impress with their resumes in hand.”

Practice and preparation are key when developing the skills it takes to be effective while networking, which is why the event kicked off with a presentation by Janelle Razzino, President of Razzino Associates, Inc. Ms. Razzino, an entrepreneur who speaks, teaches, and consults on recruitment strategies, job placements, executive searches, and career planning, addressed the crowd to provide the best tips and tricks to help Mount students stand out in the crowd.

After her presentation, students were encouraged to visit with tables, chat with representatives, and share their resumes.
With companies in attendance from Xerox and Twitter to Grant Thornton and NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital, there was no shortage of networking opportunities for Mount students from all majors and minors. And as they look toward future events, the Accounting Society plans to expand their offerings to focus on specific industries, such as finance, IT, health care management, marketing, and more.
“We’re proud of our students for hosting this event and we’re proud of our alumni as they continue the tradition of service by returning to their alma mater to support our undergraduates,” said Nina Aversano, Chair and Assistant Professor of Management. “By helping Mount students take the first step up the ladder of success, they’re helping them to build confidence and gain valuable insights as they network in their future careers. Our alums were remarkable—they made our attendees feel welcome to engage and reinforce their self-confidence. We were happy to welcome them home and we look forward to continuing this partnership for years to come.”

About the University of Mount Saint Vincent
Founded in 1847 by the Sisters of Charity, the University of Mount Saint Vincent offers nationally recognized liberal arts education and a select array of professional fields of study on a landmark campus overlooking the Hudson River. Committed to the education of the whole person, and enriched by the unparalleled cultural, educational, and career opportunities of New York City, the College equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for lives of professional accomplishment, service, and leadership in the 21st century.