Recent Honorees
Kevin M. McGovern
Chairman and CEO | McGovern Capital
Allen J. West
Writer, Director, Executive Producer, and Social Impact Entrepreneur
The Sisters of Charity of New York
Donna Dodge, SC, President
John Prufeta
General Partner and Founder | Medical Excellence Capital, LLC
Fran Weissler
Theatrical Producer
Susan Chiaviello DiDonato ’82
Senior Vice President, HR Advisory/Business Integrity | WPP
Gerald DiDonato ’83, PhD
Senior Director, Regulatory Sciences–CMC Biologics | Bristol Myers Squibb
Grace Vandecruze
Founder and Managing Director | Grace Global Capital LLC
Mary A. Griffin
President and Chief Executive Officer | Life Insurance Council of New York, Inc.
Richard A. White
Chief Executive Officer | ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company
Dolly Lenz
CEO/Founder | Dolly Lenz Real Estate LLC
Steven M. Menzies
President | Applied Underwriters, Inc.
Frank Kurre
Managing Partner, Metro New York & New England | Grant Thornton LLP
M. Shafik Gabr
Chairman and Managing Director | ARTOC Group for Investment and Development
Chairman | The Shafik Gabr Foundation
Pamela J. Newman
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Newman Team | Aon plc
William M. O’Connor
Thompson & Knight LLP
Cheryl C. Shea
Office of the Deputy Commissioner | Training New York City Police Department
And all the men and women of the New York City Police Department
Ibrahim K. Naimi
President | Saudi Petroleum International, Inc.
Edmund C. Duffy
Of Counsel | Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates
David J. Walsh
President and Chief Executive Officer | Amalgamated Life Insurance Company
Chief Executive Officer | Alico Services Corporation
Alice Chebba Walsh
Artist, Library Advocate, and Theater Producer
His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan | Saint Vincent de Paul Award Honoree
Archbishop Emeritus of New York
C. Edward (Chuck) Chaplin
President, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer | MBIA Inc.
William J. Fishlinger, Esq.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer | WRM America
Carmen J. Lawrence
Partner and Co-Head Securities Enforcement and Regulation Practice | Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP
Deryck A. Palmer
Senior Partner and Co-Chairman Financial Restructuring Department | Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP