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Didactic Phase

Fall I

PAS 601 Healthcare Policy Law, Ethics, Professionalism, and Physician Assistant History (4 credits)
PAS 602 Clinical Human Anatomy Lecture and Lab (5 credits)
PAS 604 History and Physical Diagnosis-1 and Lab (4 credits)
PAS 605 Clinical Pathophysiology (5 credits)
18 credits


PAS 609 History and Physical Diagnosis-2 and Lab (4 credits)
PAS 610 Clinical Medicine 1 (Pulmonary, GI, EENT, Dermatology) (5 credits)
PAS 611 Clinical Correlation-1 (1 credit)
PAS 612 Medical Pharmacology 1 (2 credits)
PAS 613 Laboratory Medicine, Microbiology, Immunology, Genetics (2 credits)
PAS 614 Medicine in Medically Underserved Areas and Healthcare Needs of Special Populations (2 credits)
PAS 615 Radiology and Diagnostic Modalities (2 credits)
18 credits


PAS 616 Clinical Medicine-2 (Cardiology, Hematology/Oncology and Infectious Disease) (5 credits)
PAS 617 Clinical Correlations-2 (1 credit)
PAS 618 Medical Pharmacology-2 (2 credits)
PAS 620 Obstetrics/Gynecology and Women’s Health (2 credits)
PAS 621 Surgery (3 credits)
PAS 622 MSKT/Rheum (2 credits)
PAS 626 Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Evidence Based Medicine (3 credits)
PAS 628 Introduction to Interprofessional Education (1 credit)
19 credits

Fall II

PAS 619 Emergency Medicine (3 credits)
PAS 623 Clinical Medicine -3 (GU/End/Neuro) (5 credits)
PAS 624 Clinical Correlation-3 (1 credit)
PAS 625 Medical Pharmacology-3 (2 credits)
PAS 627 Essential Diagnostic Modalities and Clinical Procedures and Ultrasound (3 credits)
PAS 629 Pediatrics (2 credits)
PAS 630 Pre-Clinical Comprehensive Assessment (1 credit)
PAS 631 Behavioral Health, Human Sexuality and Counseling (2 credits)
19 credits
TOTAL 74 credits

Clinical Phase

PAS 701 Behavioral Medicine and Healthcare (6 credits)
PAS 702 Emergency Medicine (6 credits)
PAS 703 Family Medicine (6 credits)
PAS 704 Internal Medicine (6 credits)
PAS 705 Pediatrics (6 credits)
PAS 706 Surgery (6 credits)
PAS 707 Women’s Health/OB-GYN (6 credits)
PAS 708 Clinical Elective (6 credits)
PAS 709 Seminar Capstone (1 credit)
PAS 710 Advanced Clinical Assessment (1 credit)
PASR 711 Pre-Clinical Remediation (0 credits) | As required by the Academic Performance Committee
PASR 712 Clinical Year Remediation (0 credits) | As required by the Academic Performance Committee
TOTAL 50 credits

This primary care program spans 28-months and includes 74 credits of didactic education and 50 credits of clinical education. 

The total program is 124 credits.