Didactic Phase
Fall I
PAS 601 Healthcare Policy Law, Ethics, Professionalism, and Physician Assistant History (4 credits) |
PAS 602 Clinical Human Anatomy Lecture and Lab (5 credits) |
PAS 604 History and Physical Diagnosis-1 and Lab (4 credits) |
PAS 605 Clinical Pathophysiology (5 credits) |
18 credits |
PAS 609 History and Physical Diagnosis-2 and Lab (4 credits) |
PAS 610 Clinical Medicine 1 (Pulmonary, GI, EENT, Dermatology) (5 credits) |
PAS 611 Clinical Correlation-1 (1 credit) |
PAS 612 Medical Pharmacology 1 (2 credits) |
PAS 613 Laboratory Medicine, Microbiology, Immunology, Genetics (2 credits) |
PAS 614 Medicine in Medically Underserved Areas and Healthcare Needs of Special Populations (2 credits) |
PAS 615 Radiology and Diagnostic Modalities (2 credits) |
18 credits |
PAS 616 Clinical Medicine-2 (Cardiology, Hematology/Oncology and Infectious Disease) (5 credits) |
PAS 617 Clinical Correlations-2 (1 credit) |
PAS 618 Medical Pharmacology-2 (2 credits) |
PAS 620 Obstetrics/Gynecology and Women’s Health (2 credits) |
PAS 621 Surgery (3 credits) |
PAS 622 MSKT/Rheum (2 credits) |
PAS 626 Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Evidence Based Medicine (3 credits) |
PAS 628 Introduction to Interprofessional Education (1 credit) |
19 credits |
Fall II
PAS 619 Emergency Medicine (3 credits) |
PAS 623 Clinical Medicine -3 (GU/End/Neuro) (5 credits) |
PAS 624 Clinical Correlation-3 (1 credit) |
PAS 625 Medical Pharmacology-3 (2 credits) |
PAS 627 Essential Diagnostic Modalities and Clinical Procedures and Ultrasound (3 credits) |
PAS 629 Pediatrics (2 credits) |
PAS 630 Pre-Clinical Comprehensive Assessment (1 credit) |
PAS 631 Behavioral Health, Human Sexuality and Counseling (2 credits) |
19 credits |
TOTAL 74 credits |
Clinical Phase
PAS 701 Behavioral Medicine and Healthcare (6 credits) |
PAS 702 Emergency Medicine (6 credits) |
PAS 703 Family Medicine (6 credits) |
PAS 704 Internal Medicine (6 credits) |
PAS 705 Pediatrics (6 credits) |
PAS 706 Surgery (6 credits) |
PAS 707 Women’s Health/OB-GYN (6 credits) |
PAS 708 Clinical Elective (6 credits) |
PAS 709 Seminar Capstone (1 credit) |
PAS 710 Advanced Clinical Assessment (1 credit) |
PASR 711 Pre-Clinical Remediation (0 credits) | As required by the Academic Performance Committee |
PASR 712 Clinical Year Remediation (0 credits) | As required by the Academic Performance Committee |
TOTAL 50 credits |
This primary care program spans 28-months and includes 74 credits of didactic education and 50 credits of clinical education.
The total program is 124 credits.