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Matthew Leporati, PhD

Associate Professor of English
PhD, Fordham University
MA, Fordham University
BA, St. John’s University

Areas of Interest

  • Writing pedagogy and mindfulness
  • British Romanticism
  • Epic poetry
  • Religion and literature
  • British literature and empire
  • James Joyce and Modernism

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 110 and 120 Writing in Context I and II
  • ENGL 110L and 120L Grammar Lab
  • PFS 101 HEOP Pre-First Year Seminar
  • FYE 101 First Year Experience
  • FSEM 139 Freshman Seminar: The Literature of Protest
  • FSEM 157 Freshman Seminar: The Wor(l)ds of James Joyce
  • ENGL 203 Writing Workshop
  • ENGL 270 Frankenstein and Its Age
  • ENGL 296 Language of the Individual and Society
  • ENGL 317 Introduction to Literary Interpretation
  • HNRS 370 Enumerating Arguments: Mathematics and the Written Word
  • ENGL 450 Coordinating Seminar
  • ENGL 461 Professional Writing


Romantic Epics and the Mission of Empire. Cambridge University Press, 2023.

“Blake’s Vortices: Hold.” Vala: The Journal of the Blake Society, forthcoming.

Review of Divine Images: The Life and Work of William Blake by Jason Whittaker. Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly, forthcoming.

Review of Jerusalem: Blake, Parry, and the Fight for Englishness by Jason Whittaker and William Blake as Natural Philosopher, 1788–1795 by Joseph Fletcher. European Romantic Review 35.3 (2024): 571-76.

“Emanuel Swedenborg’s Conjugial Love and the Erotic Politics of William Blake’s Epics.” European Romantic Review 34.4 (2023): 397-421.

Editor of “Mindfulness in Writing and Literature Classrooms.” Special Cluster of essays. Modern Language Studies 52.1 (2022). (co-edited with Donetta Hines)

“Introduction: Mindfulness in Writing and Literature Classrooms.” Modern Language Studies 52.1 (2022): 13-19. (co-authored with Donetta Hines)

“Peeling The Onion: Pop Culture Satire in the Writing Classroom.” Isn’t it Ironic?: Irony in Contemporary Popular Culture. Routledge, 2021. 20-38. (co-authored with Rob Jacklosky)

“William Blake’s Emoji: Composite Art and Composition.” The CEA Forum 49.1 (2021): 69-94.

“‘More than mortal fervour’: Patriotism and Democracy in John Thelwall’s Epic The Hope of Albion.” Romanticism 26.1 (2020): 50-61.

“New Formalism in the Classroom: Re-Forming Epic Poetry in Wordsworth and Blake.” Humanities 8.2 (2019): 100, 1-16.

“Building up Jerusalem in the Classroom: William Blake and Writing Pedagogy.” The CEA Forum 47.1 (2018): 62-95.

“Ann Yearsley’s ‘Brutus’ and the Evangelical Epic Poem.” Studies in Romanticism 57.2 (2018): 265-300.

“Teaching William Wordsworth’s Prelude, Book 7.” “Teaching Romanticism – Romanticism and the City.” Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture, 1780-1840, pedagogy blog (2016).

“William Blake’s Perspectives: Teaching Romanticism in the Community College Classroom.” The CEA Critic 78.1 (2016): 90-105.

“Authority from Heaven’: Robert Southey’s Madoc and Epic Christian Imperialism.” European Romantic Review (ERR) 25.2 (2014): 161-180.

Review of Romantic Literature: Texts, Contexts, Connections by John Gilroy. Romanticism 19.3 (2013): 333-335.

Web Projects

The Suspended Sentence: An Exploration of Finnegans Wake

Select Conference Presentations

“‘I Go to Eternal Death’: William Blake’s Milton as Underworld Journey.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Conference, Washington, DC and online, 2024.

“Missionary Work and Secular Enchantment in Romantic Epics.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Boston, MA, 2024.

Chair of Romantic Religions: Re-evaluating Secularism in the Romantic Era (Part 1). Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Boston, MA, 2024.

Chair of Mindfulness in the Academy: Multitasking and Attention. Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Boston, MA, 2024.

“‘About the Sledgy Streets’: James Joyce’s Eternal Return through the Streets of Finnegans Wake.” Modernist Studies Association Conference, Brooklyn, NY, 2023.

“There’s Lots of Blake in Finnegans Wake: James Joyce’s Adaptation of Jerusalem.” Global Blake Society, Online Presentation, 2023.

Co-chair. “The Mindful Intersection of Pedagogy and Scholarship.” Northeast MLA Conference, Niagara, NY, 2023.

“Mindfully Centering the Other in Pedagogy and Scholarship.” Northeast MLA Conference, Niagara, NY, 2023.

“There’s Lots of Memes in Finnegans Wake: The Memetics of James Joyce’s Original (?) Final Novel.” Northeast MLA Conference, Niagara, NY, 2023.

“‘Mark Well My Words: They Are of Your Eternal Salvation’”: Blake’s Milton as Missionary against Empire. North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, 2022.

Co-Chair: Mindfulness in the Writing and Literature Classrooms: Mindful Teaching and Learning. Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2022.

“Meaningful Nonsense: Minding Paradox in the Writing and Literature Classroom.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2022.

“‘Faun MacGhoul!’: James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake as Epic Underworld Descent.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2022.

“Minding the World within Words: Stimulating Mindfulness in the Classroom through the OED.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Online, 2021.

Co-Chair: Mindfulness in the Writing and Literature Classroom: In-person, Online, in the Moment (Roundtable). Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Online, 2021.

“The Romantic Epic Poet and Transnational Utopia.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Online, 2021.

“William Blake’s Epic (Dis)Connections.” British Association for Romantic Studies Conference, Online, 2021.

“Forms of Mindful Pedagogy: Minding Form in the Writing Classroom.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Boston, MA, 2020.

Co-Chair: Mindfulness in the Writing and Literature Classroom (Roundtable). Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Boston, MA, 2020.

“’The Authors are in Eternity’: William Blake, Supernatural Inspiration, and Writing Pedagogy.” Supernatural Studies Conference, Bronx, NY, 2019.

Co-Facilitator: Mindfulness in the Writing and Literature Classroom (Workshop). Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Washington, D.C., 2019.

“’Such is the Cry from all the Earth’: The Dark Ecological Perception of William Blake’s Epics.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Washington, D.C., 2019.

“Becoming Mindful of Empathy in the Literature and Writing Classroom” (Roundtable). Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Pittsburg, PA, 2018.

“Homer, Newton, and Imperial Space in the Epics of William Blake.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Pittsburg, PA, 2018.

“Creative Masochism in the Epics of William Blake.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Conference, Providence, RI, 2018.

“Structuring the Grammar Lab.” New Jersey College English Association Conference, South Orange, NJ, 2018.

“Emanuel Swedenborg’s Conjugial Love and the Erotic Politics of William Blake’s Epics.” Swedenborg and the Arts, Bryn Athyn, PA, 2017.

“Smartphones and Sentence Diagrams: Stimulating Mindfulness in the Writing Classroom.” Blended Learning Conference, Bryn Mawr, PA, 2017.