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MBA Transfer Students

Students with prior educational experience but did not complete a MBA may transfer into our graduate program. Review the options below and proceed to MBA application checklist and timeline to complete your application.

Option 1: Students with previous graduate coursework in business – the “1 + 1” program

Transfer applicants who have completed the equivalent of one (1) year of graduate level studies in business administration may apply for admission into the Mount’s MBA program with advanced standing. Under this option, transfer students may be awarded up to 30 transfer credits, and may be able to earn the MBA degree in one (1) year of full-time study.

To qualify for transfer, previous coursework must satisfy the following criteria:

(a) Courses submitted for transfer are considered graduate level courses at the foreign institution where they were taken and are normally taken as part of a master’s degree program.

(b) Courses submitted for transfer must have been completed with an acceptable record of academic performance. Generally, this means that the grade in each course submitted for transfer must be equivalent to the Mount’s grade of B.

(c) For a course previously taken at another institution to be transferred into the Mount’s MBA program, it must be the equivalent to one of the following survey courses, typically taken at the University of Mount Saint Vincent by MBA students in their first year of study:

  • Business Law for Management
  • Data [Statistical] Analysis and Modeling for Managers
  • Financial Management
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Marketing Concepts and Strategies
  • Managerial Economics
  • Managing Human Resources
  • Managing Information Technologies and Innovation
  • Management and Organizational Theory
  • Operations and Production Management

Students who are granted transfer credit for all ten of the courses listed above will be able to complete the requirements for the MBA degree at the University of Mount Saint Vincent in one year (3 terms over 12 months) of full-time study.

Option 2: Students with significant undergraduate coursework in business administration – the “4 + 1” program for students with bachelor’s degrees

MBA applicants who have earned a bachelor’s degree and have completed significant undergraduate coursework in business may apply to the Mount’s MBA program, requesting waivers for courses in the MBA Core (Level 1). Substitutions are not required for waived coursework. Therefore, the number of credits required for completion of the MBA degree can be significantly reduced under this option.

Waivers of MBA core (survey) courses are granted on a 6 credit (undergraduate) to 3 credit (graduate) equivalency basis.

To qualify for consideration toward a waiver, those undergraduate courses previously taken by MBA applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

(a) Courses submitted for transfer are considered undergraduate level courses at the institution where they were taken and are normally taken as part of a bachelor’s degree program.

(b) Courses must have been completed with an acceptable record of academic performance. Generally, this means that the grade in each course submitted must be equivalent to the CMSV grade of “B” or better (≥ 85th percentile).

(c) The content of the course cumulatively must be the equivalent to one of the following survey courses, typically taken at the Mount by MBA students in their first year of study:

  • Business Law for Management
  • Data [Statistical] Analysis and Modeling for Managers
  • Financial Management
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Marketing Concepts and Strategies
  • Managerial Economics
  • Managing Human Resources
  • Managing Information Technologies and Innovation
  • Management and Organizational Theory
  • Operations and Production Management
  • Professional and Business Communications

The Chair of the Department of Accounting, Business, and Economics at the University of Mount Saint Vincent will determine which undergraduate courses from other universities qualify for waivers of core MBA courses.

Students who are granted waivers for all ten of the courses listed above will be able to complete the requirements for the MBA degree at the University of Mount Saint Vincent in one year (3 terms over 12 months) of full-time study.

(718) 405-3322
[email protected]