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Matthew Archibald, PhD


Associate Professor of Sociology
PhD, University of Washington
BA, University of Massachusetts

Areas of Interest 

  • Health and Healthcare
  • Organizations
  • Social Movements


  • Senior Seminar
  • Research Methods
  • Culture, Health, and Illness
  • Global Health
  • Social Policy
  • Introduction to Public Policy
  • Sociology of Organizations

Archibald, Matthew E., Rachel Head, Jordan Yakoby and Pamela Behrman. 2023. “An Examination of Exposure and Vulnerability to Stress from Chronic Illness and Its Impact on Mental Health and Long-Term Disability among Non-Hispanic White, African American, and Latinx Populations.” In Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld (Ed.) Research in the Sociology of Health Care 33 Pp. 83-101. New York: Emerald Publishers.

Archibald, Matthew E., Pamela Behrman, and Jordan Yakoby. 2022. “Racial-Ethnic Disparities Across Substance Use Disorder Treatment Settings: Sources of Treatment Insurance, Socioeconomic Correlates and Clinical Features,” Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, Vol. 21, Number 2; Pp. 1-25

Archibald, Matthew, Jennifer Stewart, Linda Vo, Dazon Diallo, Waheedah Shabazz and Lauren Owens 2017. “The Role of Social Support for Women Living in Poverty” In Women & Poverty in the United States , Paula M. Frew and Anne O’Leary (eds.). Pp. 225-250. New York: Springer Publications.

Putnam Rankin, Caddie and Matthew E. Archibald. 2016. “Specialization and the Survival of Self-Help Organizations.” Sociological Forum; 31:72-95.

Paula M. Frew, Matthew E. Archibald, Jay Schamel, Diane Saint-Victor, Elizabeth Fox,  Neena Smith-Bankhead, Dazon Dixon Diallo, Marcia M. Holstad, Carlos del Rio. 2015 “An Integrated Service Delivery Model to Identify Persons Living with HIV and to Provide LINKage to HIV Treatment and Care in Prioritized Neighborhoods: A Multilevel, Geotargeted, Program Outcome Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance; 1:1-19.

Archibald, Matthew E. 2015. “Commentary and Reflections: The Ongoing Construction of Pharmaceutical Regimes.” In Reimagining Biomedicalization, Pharmaceuticals and Genetics: Old Critiques and New Engagements. Susan Bell and Anne E. Figert (eds.), Pp. 162-172.  New York: Routledge.

Archibald, Matthew E. and Caddie Putnam Rankin. 2013.  “A Spatial Analysis of Community Disadvantage and Access to Healthcare Services.”  Social Science & Medicine 90:11-23.

Archibald, Matthew E. and Caddie Putnam Rankin. 2013. “Community Context and Healthcare Quality: The Impact of Community Resources on Licensing and Accreditation of Substance Abuse Treatment Agencies.” Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 40:442-456.

Archibald, Matthew E. 2007. The Evolution of Self-Help: How a Social Movement Became an Institution. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Ltd.

Conference Presentations

Archibald, Matthew E., Rachel Head and Pamela Behrman, “How Substance Use Disorder Treatment Access Shapes Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Treatment Duration and Completion: Tests of Several Non-Normal Structural Equation Models,” Section on Drugs and Society, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 2023.

Archibald, Matthew E., Pamela Behrman, Jordan Yakoby, John McCullagh and Aydasara Ortega Torres. “The impact of residential instability and serious psychological distress on substance use disorders: Testing exposure and vulnerability hypotheses for Non-Hispanic White, African American, and Latinx populations,” Section on Drugs and Society, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, August 2022.

Archibald, Matthew E., Jordan Yakoby, Pamela Behrman, John McCullagh and Aydasara Ortega Torres “An examination of chronic illness, distress and long-term disability among Non-Hispanic White, African American, and Latinx populations.” Conference on Social Stress Research Bi-Annual Meeting, Savannah Georgia, June 2022.

Archibald, Matthew E. “Racial-ethnic disparities in sources of substance abuse treatment, their socioeconomic correlates and clinical features.” Section on Drugs and Society, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Online, August 2021.

Archibald, Matthew E. and Omar Nagi. “Advancing Quantitative Reasoning among First-Generation and Racial/ Ethnic Minority Sociology Students.” Section on Teaching and Learning, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Online, August 2021.

Archibald, Matthew E. and Omar Nagi. “Howery Grant Outcomes.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Online, August 2021.

Archibald, Matthew E. “Undergraduate Writing in the Social Sciences; Motivational Problems with Revisions.” Michigan State University Conference on Student Learning and Success at MSU, Spring 2019.

Archibald, Matthew E.  “How Routines and Practices Structure Interorganizational Collaboration in Behavioral Healthcare Settings.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA 2018.

Frew PM, Archibald M, Schamel JT, Saint-Victor DS, Fox E, Diallo DD, Smith-Bankhead N, Holstad MM. What’s the LINK? Integrated HIV Service Delivery in Prioritized Neighborhoods. Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine Research Day, October  2016.

Archibald, Matthew E.  “Interorganizational Collaboration in Healthcare Networks: A Case Study of  the Referral Process on a Psychiatric Service.”  European Group for Organizational Studies, Rotterdam, NL, July 2014.