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Minimum Science Course Requirements

Students who want to undertake graduate training in Medicine or Dentistry should complete, at minimum, the science requirements recommended by the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association for admission into professional schools, including:

BIOL 111 and 112 General Biology I and II
CHEM 120 and 121 General Chemistry I and II
CHEM 219-223 and 220-224 Organic Chemistry I and II
MATH 131 and 132 Calculus I and II
PHYS 207 and 208 Physics I and II
CHEM 433 Biochemistry I

*In some cases, MATH 121 Biomedical Statistics may be taken in place of MATH 132 Calculus II.

Please note: in order to remain a Psychology Major or Psychology Minor in good standing, a student may have no more than 2 grades below a C and/or withdrawals in Psychology courses.


For information about the MCAT, please visit
Please meet with the Pre-Med advisor to plan a course of study.


[email protected]
Science Hall 303