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Brad Crownover, PhD, MFA


Chair of the Division
Director of Theatre and Performing Arts Programs
Associate Professor of Communication
PhD, Rutgers University
MFA, Sarah Lawrence College
MS, Western Illinois University
BS, Ohio University

[email protected]

Areas of Interest

  • Strategic and promotional communication
  • Intercultural communication
  • Theatre studies and performance technique


  • HNRS 101 Honors Freshman Seminar, Theater and Social Change
  • COMM 241/THTR 100 Acting I
  • COMM 344/THTR 200 Acting II/Directing
  • COMM 412/THTR 350 Acting III/Performance Lab
  • COMM 344 Introduction to Public Relations
  • COMM 343 Introduction to Advertising
  • COMM 345 Strategic and Promotional Writing
  • COMM 351 Intercultural Communication
  • COMM 355 Organizational Communication
  • COMM 356 Small Group Communication
  • COMM 370/THTR 436/ART 427 Art of the Song, a Performance Workshop
  • COMM 418 Creative Adversiting Strategies

“Orangutans and Teddy Bears, A Reading,” Sarah Lawrence College Writing Institute, Zoom, December 2020.

Narrator/German Soldier, “The Unending Life of Ernst Mann,” Ensemble Studio Theatre, NY, NY, January 2019.

“Elvis/John, Four Weddings and an Elvis, Park Hill Players,” Yonkers, NY, February 2018.

“The Logician,” Rhinoceros, Red Monkey Theater Group, Bronx, NY, October 2017.

NYSCA Community Pecha Kucha/I remember…, researched, designed and shared a NYSCA Past President remembrances slide show presentation as part of the NYSCA’s 75th Anniversary Celebration at the New York State Communication Association Conference, October 2017.

Negotiating Identity in the Research Process, presented excerpts from my book chapter, Researcher Roles and Reflections on Insider and Outsider Status. New York State Communication Association Conference, Callicoon, NY, October 2016.

“Here With You, Solo Performance, Sarah Lawrence College and Dixon Place,” NYC April and May 2016

“Re(visioning) a Life, Past Present and Future, Doing Autoethnography 2016,” San Angelo, Texas.

Saul, Dear Saul/Dear Meredith, invited performer at the Mid-America Theatre Conference, St. Lois, MO, March 2014.

Heracles, Hydra, Or The Oral Examination of Heracles, invited performer at the Mid-America Theatre Conference, St. Louis, MO, March 2013.

Jacob, A Little Inconvenience, invited performer at the Mid-America Theatre Conference, St. Lois, MO, March 2013.

“Vamos a Vivir: Two Ethnographic Case Studies of Social Interaction and Media Use in Small Communities of Mexican Men Living with HIV/AIDS,” New Jersey Communication Association Conference, March 2004

“La Manta de Mexico: The Mediating Role of the Mexican AIDS Quilt in the Production and Distribution of Health Messages,” National Communication Association Convention, Miami Beach, Fla., 2003

“La Casa: An Ethnographic Approach to Learning More About Daily Life and Artistic Expression from a Residential Community Living with HIV/AIDS,” National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, La., 2002

“Remembering the Songs I Used to Sing: An Ethnographic Approach to Learning More About Disease in Older Adults,” Eastern Communication Association Conference, New York, N.Y., April 2002

“Educating Students: The Unpacking of Gay Representations and Stereotypes in Mainstream Culture,” GLAAD Sponsored Research Project, National Communication Association Convention, Atlanta, Ga., 2001

Crownover, B.  (2016). Researcher roles and reflections on insider and outsider statusIn A. Kurylo (Ed.), Negotiating group identity in the research process, Are you in or are you out? (pp.  25-41).  New York:  Lexington Books, Rowan and Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.

Crownover, B.  (2014) Me and my shadow(s), Narratives on self and identity. In S. Howard (Ed.), Critical articulations of race, gender, and sexual orientation (pp. 105-122). New York:  Lexington Books, Rowan and Littefield Publishing Group, Inc.

Crownover, B.  (2013).  Living culture:  Community living. In A. Kurylo (Ed.), Inter/cultural communication:  Representation and construction of culture in everyday interaction (pp. 318-320). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

“Student Organization Development: Application and Critique of Assessment Instruments,” published by The National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs, Co-Authored with Michelle C. Howell, Mary Kay Schneider and Susan R. Komives, EdD

“Connection Between Communication and Community: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Residential Support Facility for Latinos with HIV/AIDS,” PhD Dissertation