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Premier Programs

Premier Programs are offered to high-achieving students who show passion and commitment in a variety of disciplines including community service, culture, and writing. Students may receive full-tuition or room and board scholarships and join a prestigious group of scholars who have become innovators and leaders on our campus and beyond.

All Premier Program applicants are highly encouraged to apply by February 15 and, if selected, will receive a notification letter in their acceptance package. Nominated students will then attend Premier Program Day, where they will interview with a panel of administrators or faculty in their selected program.

Corazon C. Aquino Scholarship

Created in honor of former President of the Philippines and Mount Saint Vincent alumna, the Corazon C. Aquino award is a full-tuition scholarship awarded to four high-achieving incoming first-year students. Aquino scholars will join in the continued effort to further enhance Filipino culture at Mount Saint Vincent by playing an active role in student activities and community service. Specifically, these scholars often hold leadership roles in a variety of our Filipino clubs such as SAMAHAN and Filiment.

All Aquino scholars will need to maintain a 3.2 GPA at Mount Saint Vincent to retain their award and will be required to declare either a Philippine Studies or Tagalog minor. Applicants will be required to complete an interview with the Aquino Scholarship Committee as a part of their application for this scholarship.

Fonthill Writing Award

The Fonthill Writing award is given to prospective students with proven exemplary writing skills who are eager to either further develop their writing skills or pursue professional fields that will draw heavily on their writing skills. Fonthill scholars are the leaders of the writing community at Mount Saint Vincent, spearheading our student publications such as The Mount Times, the University’s student newspaper and The Underground, its literary magazine, which was founded in 1921.

This full room and board scholarship require applicants to submit an 8-10-page portfolio to [email protected] and interview on campus with members of the Fonthill Selection Committee during Premier Program Day. Additionally, Fonthill scholars must maintain a 3.0 GPA and actively participate in the writing community on campus.

Honors Program

Members of our Honors Program represent the top 10 percent of the University of Mount Saint Vincent class or the top 5 percent of the nursing class. This small cohort of about 20 students receive priority class registration, seminar-style honors classes and guaranteed research through an Honors Thesis. Additionally, they will play an active role in our Honors Club, which is a co-curricular club dedicated to promoting awareness and education about the Honors Program.

While attending the University of Mount Saint Vincent, honors students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain in the program. Applications will be required to participate in a group interview on campus with members of the Honors Program Selection Committee during Premier Program Day.

Martha E. Fedorko ’56, MD Scholarship Program

The Martha E. Fedorko ’56, MD Scholarship Program is dedicated to academically-strong students pursuing a degree in the natural sciences who demonstrate significant financial need. Eligible students will be entering the University with a major of biology, chemistry, or biochemistry with a recalculated high school average (consisting of core subjects: English, social studies, mathematics, science, foreign language, and religion if the student attended a religiously-affiliated high school) of at least 85.

The Martha E. Fedorko ’56, MD Scholarship Program will provide $5,500 per year for four years. In addition, Fedorko Scholarship Program students will receive a one-time summer research award of $3,500 during their sophomore or junior year, plus free room and board for 10 weeks during that summer, to complete research with a member of the faculty. The University will aim to name ten Martha E. Fedorko ’56, MD scholars each year. In order to retain eligibility for the scholarship each year, students must continue as a major in the natural sciences (biology, biochemistry, or chemistry).

Seton Service and Leadership Scholarship

This four-year, full room and board scholarship is awarded to high-achieving prospective first-year students who exhibit a demonstrated commitment to, and enjoyment of performing outstanding community service and who possess a great deal of leadership skills. Our Seton Scholars lead tremendous community service efforts here in the Riverdale community, while also leading mission-specific trips abroad.

Spearheaded by our Office of Mission and Ministry, all Seton Scholars will be required to fulfill a commitment to a service project of their own choice. Additionally, Seton Scholars must maintain a 3.0 GPA while at the University of Mount Saint Vincent. Applicants will be required to participate in a group interview on campus with members of Campus Ministry during Premier Program Day.