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Annual Student Events

Each year, there are numerous programs and activities that promote student learning, encourage a sense of community, and provide opportunities for personal development on campus. Events are open to all current UMSV students.

’Phin Fest
Sponsored by the Office of Student Activities, ’Phin Fest is the annual campus-wide involvement fair held in the first few weeks of the Fall semester. Each club and organization is represented during the event, as dance groups perform and students show their ’phin pride to kick off the new academic year.

DREAM Weekend
Sponsored by the Office of Student Activities, DREAM Weekend is a leadership retreat for emerging freshman and sophomore students held in February. This is an opportunity for students to enhance their leadership skills through team bonding and networking.

Founders Day
This University-wide event is held each April to recognize the contributions of the Sisters of Charity to the life and mission of the University. Founders Day is capped off with the annual Founders Day BBQ on the Great Lawn.

200 Nights
A reception held for seniors, 200 Nights marks the last 200 days before Commencement and is typically held in November.

100 Nights
This reception for seniors marks the last 100 days before Commencement and is typically held in February.

Leadership Weekend
Sponsored by the Student Government Association in the first few weeks of the Fall semester, Leadership Weekend is a long-standing tradition that gives student leaders the opportunity to plan and execute a large-scale student run leadership retreat focusing on club/organization planning, leadership development, networking, and program planning.

May Day 
Sponsored by the freshman and sophomore classes, this is a dinner and dancing event held every year in the beginning of May.

Student Affairs Awards Reception
Sponsored each Spring by the Office of the Dean of Students, this event recognizes the outstanding efforts of clubs and organizations and recognizes student leaders from across campus.

Senior Week
Sponsored by the senior class, Senior Week is a week-long celebration leading up to Commencement. Events include the Final Bow Champagne Toast, the Commencement Ball, and the NYC cruise.