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Start a New Student Club

Starting a New Student Club

If you don’t see the club you are looking for, maybe it’s time to start one!

Recognizing a Student Club or Organization
New student organizations may be formed when a genuine need has been demonstrated. To start a new student club, students must complete a New Club Packet at the beginning of each semester.

Proposal for a New Club
To create a proposal for a new club, students should contact the Student Government Association to request a New Club Packet. In preparation for the completion of the packet, the new club will need to:

  1. Collect the names of at least 10 current UMSV students willing to be founding members.
  2. Create a constitution listing the proposed club’s goal and objectives. The Office of Student Activities will assist in this goal-setting process prior to making the proposal.
  3. Once the constitution is ready, the founding students present their proposal to the Student Government.
  4. Each club must have an advisor, selected from the ranks of the full-time faculty or administrators.
  5. The elected members of the Student Government Senate will vote to approve the club at an SGA meeting.