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7.0 Office of Housing and Residence Life

7.1 The Staff

Associate Director of Housing and Residence Life
Serving as the chief liaison between the residents and the Assistant Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, the Associate Director of Housing and Residence Life is responsible for all matters pertaining to resident students and oversees the functions of the residence halls. The Associate Director is responsible for the overall occupancy planning and housing assignment process, management of departmental budget, and oversight of student conduct process as it pertains to residence hall regulations and policies. The Associate Director supervises the Residence Life Coordinators, Executive Assistant for Housing and Residence Life, and Resident Assistants on campus and works closely with the Campus Safety and Security, Dining Services, and Facilities departments.

Residence Life Coordinators
The Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs) report to the Associate Director, supervise a staff of resident assistants, and work to foster a living and learning environment conducive to personal development, tolerance of others, sharing of diverse ideas, while building a sense of community in each of the residence halls. The RLCs act as a communication link between their building(s) and the Office of Housing and Residence Life, while ensuring that College regulations are adhered to, providing leadership in emergency situations and assisting the staff and students with programming.

Resident Assistants
The Resident Assistants (RAs) are the most visible representatives of the Division of Student Affairs. An RA is a carefully-selected upperclassman who is responsible to know and be available to residents, to assist them with academic, social, and personal problem-solving, and to act as a resource. The RA enforces College and residence hall policies, provides leadership in emergency situations, assists students in living together with consideration for one another, and implements residence hall programming.

7.2 Residence Halls

7.3 Resident Services

7.3.1 Cable Television
At no additional cost to the students, the College provides cable television to various common area lounges in some of the residence halls. The College does not provide cable television within individual student rooms.

7.3.2 Laundry Rooms
Washers and dryers are available in all halls at no additional charge.  Residents can visit to see if machines are available for use. Regular maintenance is performed by the college’s vendor Mac-Gray. To report a problem with machines or other related issues please contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life (718-405-3226).

7.3.3 Refrigerator and Microwaves
Students may rent microfridge units through college partner Campus Specialties ( Students are permitted to bring their own refrigerators however, the size should not exceed 4 cubic feet and the microwave cannot exceed 500-700 watts.  Only one refrigerator and one microwave is permitted in each room.

7.3.4 General Safety and Security
The front desk of each of the residence halls are staffed from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. when the residence halls are open. Resident Assistants are at the desks from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Licensed Campus Security personnel staff the desks from 12:00 midnight – 7:00 a.m.

It is the obligation of each student to observe every reasonable precaution for his/her own safety and well-being and to cooperate with Campus Security and Residence Life staff in the exercise of their duties. All guests of the residence halls must provide valid identification and must be signed in by a resident host of the building to gain entrance.  All guests must be escorted at all times.  Additionally, residents should follow these safety tips:

  • Keep all doors and windows locked. Always close and lock your door when you leave. You should make it a habit to close and lock your room door, even if you are just leaving for a minute or two. The College cannot assume responsibility for or reimburse you for your losses.
  • Restrict the amount of money or valuables you keep in your room. Keep a list of the make, model and serial numbers of valuable items so you can report them to the police if stolen.  Check to see if these items are covered by your family’s insurance policy while you are away from home. If you would like to purchase renter’s insurance, please visit National Student Services, Inc. at or by phone at (800) 256-6774.
  • Report broken locks, windows, missing keys, and missing ID cards to the Campus Security Office, Facilities Office and/or Office of Housing & Residence Life immediately.
  • Do not enter or leave buildings through windows or alarmed doors. The alarms are there for protection against intruders.  Activating the alarms will result in disciplinary actions.
  • Report suspicious or unknown persons in or near the building to Campus Security (718-405-3434) and/or the Residence Life Staff.
  • Do not admit persons to the building through windows or locked doors. This will result in disciplinary actions.
  • Do not travel alone after dark, walk through secluded areas alone. Call Campus Security if you need an escort to a building.
  • For your own protection, if you expect to be away from your hall overnight or longer, notify your friends, roommate and/or RA. A missing student can cause a great deal of fear and worry on the part of friends, staff and family, so keeping others apprised of your whereabouts is recommended.

7.3.5 Internet Access
The College provides wireless connection and a hard wire Internet jack for each resident student in a room. Students are responsible for obtaining their own computer equipment. You will need an Ethernet cord to connect to the hard wire Internet connection in your room. The computer services department does not buy or sell these cords.

7.3.6 Telephone Service
Telephone service is not available in student rooms.  There are public phones on every floor in each residence halls.  Students can use these phones to call any internal College extension and the local NYC area at no charge.  Students can use calling cards to make outgoing calls outside of the NYC local area and can accept incoming calls from these public phones.

7.4 Residence Life Policies and Procedures
Living on campus is a privilege that brings with it many benefits as well as obligations.  As guidelines for responsible and cooperative community living, the College has developed residence hall policies, regulations and procedures to which all residents and guests must adhere.  Any resident may request that a fellow student comply with stated policies, and may report violations to the Residence Life and Security staffs.

7.4.1 Alcohol and other Drugs
For complete details on the College’s Drug and Alcohol policies, see Section 6.1.2 of this Student Handbook. What follows is information intended to provide more specific interpretation of the policies within the residence halls.

  • In the State of New York, it is illegal for anyone under 21 years of age to possess, consume or distribute alcohol.
  • Students under 21, therefore, are not permitted to have alcohol in their rooms (possession). Also, consumption of alcohol in a room where anyone is underage is prohibited.
  • Students who remain in a room where alcohol is being consumed illegally are, by their presence, implicated in the illegal activity.
  • No open alcohol is to be present in the hallways or common areas of the residence halls.
  • Beer balls, beer pong tables, kegs, Four Loko and drinking game paraphernalia (i.e. shot glasses, funnels) are not permitted in the residence halls. The College reserves the right to confiscate such items.
  • Spellman Hall is a “dry building.” Alcohol is not permitted in this building regardless of the age of the student.

The College cannot protect any person who may break these laws and be apprehended by civil authorities. Please note that federal regulations permit federal judges to revoke student aid to anyone prosecuted and convicted of a drug offense.

7.4.2 Common Area Usage
Students wishing to schedule an event in the residence halls must obtain permission from the Office of Housing and Residence Life.  All lounge events should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance and must be approved by the Residence Life Coordinator. When scheduling the event, students must designate an individual responsible for cleaning up.

The Housekeeping Staff cleans corridors, bathrooms, lounges and other common areas.  Out of respect for the community, residents should return these areas to a neat condition after use.  This includes, but is not limited to washing dishes, cleaning spills, properly disposing of trash, not leaving belongings behind, and turning off all appliances.

The cost of damage to common areas will be pro-rated among all floor or building residents unless the responsible party can be identified. These charges will be added to your student account at the end of the academic year, unless otherwise noted.  Therefore, it is to each student’s advantage to help prevent others from causing damage and/or to encourage others to admit to the damage they have caused and accept financial responsibility.  The resident student is responsible for all damage caused by his or her guest.

College furniture may not be moved from the common areas to student rooms.  Anyone doing so will be subject to disciplinary action. Hallways are to be kept clean and clear of obstructions at all times (including umbrellas, shoes, and athletic bags/equipment).  Any student found in violation will be fined and subjected to the disciplinary process.

7.4.3 Email Communication
The Office of Housing and Residence Life sends out information regarding programming, room changes, student conduct, RA Selection, Housing Lottery and more through your University of Mount Saint Vincent e-mail address only. It is your responsibility to check this e-mail frequently so you are up to date on events taking place.

7.4.4 Fire Safety
In conjunction with the University’s commitment to community living, certain regulations have been implemented to protect the buildings and, most importantly, individual lives. We rely heavily on the students’ common sense, but offer the following specifics:

  • Personal items such as hair dryers, hair straighteners, clock radios, etc., are permitted; however, duplicate items are not advised. This includes televisions, stereos, microwaves, refrigerators, and similar items. Do not use any appliance that is not UL-approved, has a frayed cord, or is otherwise in poor condition. We encourage all students to use the restrooms to prevent accidental activation of the smoke heads in the room.
  • Candles, multiple plugs without circuit breakers, extension cords, space heaters, hot plates, barbecue grills, toaster ovens, halogen lamps, and other heat-producing and/or cooking appliances are not permitted in the residence halls, except where specifically permitted by the Residence Life Staff. These items will be confiscated. Students will need to make arrangements with their Residence Life Coordinator to retrieve the items when they are leaving the campus.
  • Open flames, including, but not limited to candles, incense, barbecue grills, blowtorches, and lanterns are not permitted for use anywhere in the residence halls. These items will be confiscated by Residence Life Staff. These items will be discarded and will not be returned to the resident.
  • Firearms, fireworks, ammunition, explosives, or any dangerous weapons are not permitted in the residence halls. Possession of these items is a violation of University policy. These items will be confiscated by Residence Life Staff. These items will be discarded and will not be returned to the resident.
  • Tampering with fire equipment including, but not limited to smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, and fire escapes is a violation of University policy and state and federal law. Students found in violation of the University fire safety regulations including setting fires in the residence halls will be subject to severe disciplinary action including loss of residence life privileges and possible suspension from the University. A $100 fine will be assessed to any student found tampering with fire safety equipment.
  • Rooms should not be decorated in such a way as to allow a fire to spread throughout a room (e.g. with overlapping posters). Tapestries should not extend across large sections of the wall or cover the majority of its surface. Decorations should not be hung from the sprinkler pipes or heads under any circumstances.
  • Furniture must be arranged to allow for at least 30 unobstructed inches of door swing within the room.
  • Hallways should be kept clean and clear at all times.
  • If the FDNY is dispatched in response to a fire alarm, students responsible for triggering the alarm will be held liable for any fines incurred.
  • Students who fail to promptly evacuate the building when a fire alarm is activated will be in violation of the fire safety policy and subject to fines.

Students will be subject to disciplinary action when found with illegal items. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to discard any illegal items.

Students who violate fire safety policies or trigger the fire alarm in their room and/or building may face disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to the following:

  • First offense – written warning and fire safety material
  • Second offense – $100 fine
  • Third offense – $150 fine
  • Fourth offense – housing privileges suspended for two weeks
  • Fifth offense – housing privileges suspended for one semester

These fines and sanctions are in addition to any fines or penalties that may be imposed by the FDNY or other local authorities.

7.4.5 Lock Out Policy
Residents who are locked out of their rooms Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. should contact the Residence Life Office for assistance. After 8pm, they may seek the assistance of the RA or security guard at the front desk. All other times, please contact the Campus Security Office (718-405-3434) for assistance.

7.4.6 Pets
Students and/or visitors are not permitted to bring live animals, including fish, into the residence halls.

7.4.7 Quiet and Courtesy Hours
A residence hall is a thriving, multi-purpose living area, in which students sleep, study, and relax. Excessive noise is perhaps the most common disruption on a college campus, particularly in the residence halls. Loud music or noise can be unnecessarily disruptive to such activities at any time of the day or night, weekday or weekend. Therefore, consideration of neighbors is necessary at all times. Voices, stereos, radios and TVs should be of a reasonable volume so as not to interfere with the rights of others. Roommates should agree on when music or a television will or will not be played.

A student who is disturbed by noise has a right to ask his or her neighbor to lower the volume, and the neighbor has the responsibility to honor that request at any hour of any day.  Failing this, an RA may be asked to assist in the situation.  The student should always first attempt to resolve the problem with the person who is the source of the disruption before involving an RA.

Quiet Hours

  • Sunday through Thursday          10:00 p.m. – 10:00 a.m.
  • Friday and Saturday                    1:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Courtesy Hours are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Beginning the last day of classes and during exam periods, quiet hours are maintained 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

7.4.8 Room Entry Procedures and Student’s Privacy
The College will always be respectful of a student’s privacy. However, there may be times throughout the academic year when it will be necessary for a College official to enter a room.  When an official seeks entry to a room, he/she will knock first and announce the intention to enter before using a key.  Rooms may be entered and possibly searched in the following instances:

  • When a police or government official has a warrant to search the room. A College official will be present.
  • When repairs are needed beyond what can be completed by the CMSV Facilities staff, a College employee will always accompany non-CMSV repairman.
  • When a College official has a good reason to believe that an occupant is not in compliance with law or College regulations or when a disturbance is taking place. All items in the room are subject to search, including but not limited to bags, storage containers, refrigerators, and individuals involved may be asked to empty their pockets on their persons.
  • When danger to life, health or property is reasonably feared.

In all but the last case, reasonable effort will be made to notify the resident in advance and to have him or her be present.  If the room has been entered when the student could not be notified, he or she will be informed as soon as possible thereafter.  Additionally, all rooms are routinely inspected by Residence Life staff at the start of each vacation period.

In the interest of privacy and security, please do not disclose any resident’s name, room or telephone number or information of a personal nature to outside callers or visitors.  Should someone request such information about a fellow student, please offer to leave a message for him or her.

7.4.9 Roommate Relationship
Living in a residence hall requires each student to learn to adjust to new situations, to encounter differing perspectives and value systems, and to interact with many different personalities.  These are opportunities to grow and the College encourages students to take advantage of these new experiences.  A new roommate is often a student’s first “new experience” on campus. It is vital that people of different backgrounds communicate and learn about each other before they make compatibility decisions.  It is, in fact, one of the most important lessons in becoming a well-rounded adult.

The keys to starting and maintaining a good relationship are communication, tolerance, and mutual respect.  Together, set the ground rules for cleaning, schedules, guests, borrowing/ sharing, etc., and keep to your agreements.  Roommates do not have to be your best friend, but they should live amicably. If problems arise, roommates should discuss them with one another.   Often, role-playing (swapping perspectives) with your roommate can be a fun and creative way to resolve conflicts. Talking with your roommate is a prerequisite to the granting of a room change.  If you need assistance in solving roommate conflicts the RA and professional Residence Life staff are available to help.

7.4.10 Skateboards, Rollerblades, Bicycles
Due to the campus’ potentially dangerous terrain, skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles and non-electric scooters are to be used with extreme caution. In the residence halls, these items may be brought indoors for storage in a resident’s room provided both roommates agree. Bike racks are provided on campus. It is the responsibility of the owner to safeguard his/her bicycle when it is parked on campus.

Due to risk of increased fire warnings and the New York City Fire Department’s (FDNY) safety recommendations regarding lithium-ion batteries used in these devices, UMSV strictly prohibits all electric/battery-powered-scooters, bikes, and e-skate/hoverboards and other personal electric/battery-powered transportation devices from use on campus and/or storage/charging on any and all UMSV property, including all buildings on campus, walkways, and sidewalks within the campus grounds.

7.4.11 Smoking
To maintain the commitment of the College to provide a safe, clean, respectful and healthy living, learning, and working environment for all members of our campus community, smoking including the use of vapes, hookahs, and electronic smoking devices (ESD) is prohibited.

All students, employees, contractors, consultants, vendors, volunteers, and visitors (regardless
of the purpose for their visit) are expected to comply with this policy.

All forms of smoking devices are prohibited on CMSV property including all indoor and outdoor locations. The use of smoking devices is also prohibited in all College vehicles including buses, shuttles, vans, cars, and trucks.

Smoking will not be permitted in any enclosed space, including, but not limited to, all offices, classrooms, hallways, waiting rooms, restrooms, meeting rooms, community areas, and residential housing buildings.

Smoking will not be permitted outdoors on all CMSV property, including, but not limited to, parking lots, paths, fields, sports/recreational areas, and stadiums, as well as in all personal vehicles while on campus.

7.4.12 Solicitation and Commercial Activities
No one may engage in any commercial activity, sell items, solicit funds or sell raffle tickets in the residence halls without the written permission of the Assistant Dean of Students or the Associate Director of Housing and Residence Life. Signing in a person who plans to engage in these activities is a violation of college policy.  This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the distribution of fliers or menus for local establishments, etc.

7.4.13 Residence Hall Entry and Exit Procedures
Residents must present their CMSV ID to gain entry to their assigned residence hall. Residents must wait for the desk staff’s approval to proceed upstairs. If a resident does not have an ID card, his/her identity will be confirmed via the roster by the desk staff to gain entry.

All residents and guests must enter and exit the residence halls through the front doors only.  Entering or exiting the residence halls through windows, emergency doors or any other doors except the front entrance is prohibited.

Residents and their guests who violate residence hall entry and exit procedures are subject to disciplinary action including the following:

  • First offense – $150 fine
  • Second offense – $300 fine
  • Third offense – housing privileges suspended for two weeks
  • Fourth offense – housing privileges suspended for one semester

7.4.14 Residence Hall Guest Procedures
Please note: During COVID-19, guests will not be permitted in the Residence Halls, and resident students may not visit or enter residence halls other than their own. In order to comply with social distancing requirements, face coverings must be worn at all times and students may not have more than one visitor (from the same building) in their room at any given time. For future reference, our regular visitation policy and procedure for internal, day and overnight guests are included below. Should we be able to welcome guests during this academic year, we will refer to our standard policy and procedures. The following may be changed to accommodate new guidelines we may need to set in place should we be able to welcome guests. ‎

All guests, including parents, guardians, relatives, and friends, must sign in and show an acceptable photo ID at the front desk. Resident hosts are limited to two guests at any one time. Acceptable photo IDs include, work, College, driver’s license or other state issued IDs. Passports, keys, money, credit cards, copied IDs and other personal items are not acceptable. Residents should contact their guests and make arrangements to meet them prior to their arrival.

The resident hosts must report to the front desk to sign in their guest(s). A resident host must escort their guests at all times and guests should not be left alone in the resident’s room. Every time a guest leaves the building, he or she must sign out.  Resident hosts are responsible for their guests’ behaviors.

Roommates have the right to ask that there be a limit to the guests in their rooms, whether guests are residents, CMSV commuters or off campus guests.  The privacy, study and relaxation time of roommates(s) and hall mates should be respected by residents and their guests.

Visitors who are signed into the building can remain in the main floor lounges after residence hall visitation hours have ended provided they are escorted by their resident host. Sleeping is not permitted in the lounges at any time. Desk staff may deny entry to the residence hall of any guest whose words or demeanor are perceived as impaired, threatening or irresponsible.  The Administrator on Duty may be contacted to appeal the decision of the desk staff or to assist in resolving a dispute. Abuse of the College’s visitation privileges will result in disciplinary action including revocation of visitation privileges.

7.4.15 Vandalism
In keeping with our commitment to maintaining a community of shared space and shared responsibility, the College does not tolerate vandalism of any kind.  Destructive acts are the signs of a person who does not respect the residence hall space or those who share it.  Therefore, we reserve the right to remove from residency that person (or persons) found to be responsible for such acts.

7.4.16 Visitation Policy
The College’s residence hall policies are designed to maintain a secure, academically sound, and respectful community life. The College has developed a visitation policy that is consistent with its Catholic heritage, mission and values.

Please note: During COVID-19, guests will not be permitted in the Residence Halls, and resident students may not visit or enter residence halls other than their own. For future reference, our regular visitation policy and procedure for internal, day and overnight guests are included below. Should we be able to welcome guests during this academic year, we will refer to our standard policy and procedures. The following may be changed to accommodate new guidelines we may need to set in place should we be able to welcome guests.

Resident-to-Resident Visitation
Resident students may visit with other residents in their rooms at any time, except for first year students for the fall semester. If these resident-to-resident visitation privileges cause disruption in the residence halls, Residence Life staff and Campus Safety personnel can ask residents and guests to quiet down or have guests leave the premises.  If any resident refuses to comply with such a request, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action.

Visitation Policy/Overnight Guests
Visitation in the residence halls is not a right, but a privilege. Visitation is permitted during the following times:

  • Sunday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
  • Friday and Saturday only from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.

These policies apply to all residents and all guests except first year residents during the fall semester. Visitation privileges end the day before the last day of classes each semester for all students.

First Year Residents
Fall semester:

  • No overnight visitation during fall semester
  • Permitted visitation by Mount and non-Mount individuals including family members only during visitation hours as specified above

Spring semester:

  • Overnight visitation permitted
  • Permitted visitation of Mount and non-Mount individuals including family members per the visitation regulations.

Roommates should be consulted and agree before plans are made for a gathering or for overnight guests. All roommates must sign an Overnight Guest Request Form for overnight guest privileges to be granted.  Overnight Guest Request Forms can be completed online on the Residence Life website. The Overnight Guest Request Form must be completed by 12pm the day prior to the arrival of the guest.  The form must be completed by 12pm on Friday for all Saturday, Sunday and Monday visits. If the form has not been completed within the period outlined, it will not be approved.

After you complete the Overnight Guest Request Form, you will be contacted  via your CMSV email account only.  The email will provide an approval or denial of overnight guest(s). Your guest must be signed in at the front desk of your building and produce a valid ID in order to enter the building. The guest pass will provide all necessary information including night(s) approved. Whenever the guest(s) leaves the building, he/she must sign out. All guests must follow this process when entering and exiting the building.

Overnight Guests
Resident / Host:

  • Permitted 8 overnight guests per month in each semester
  • Must complete overnight guest form by 12 noon the day prior to the arrival of the guest and 12 noon on Fridays for Saturday, Sunday and Monday visits
  • Permitted no more than 2 overnight guests at any time per resident (all room types)

Guests – Mount commuters and other non-College guests:

  • Permitted to stay no more than 6 times per month with any campus resident
  • Permitted to stay no more than 2 consecutive nights and only 3 nights per seven-day period
  • Must carry guest pass at all times while in host building, must be with host at all times

Residents who are permitted overnight guests must abide by the College’s visitation policy. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests.  Any violations of this policy will result in a suspension of visitation privileges and possible loss of housing privileges. The Office of Residence Life may ban individuals from entering the residence halls if they violate residence hall policies, including the visitation policy.

Residents must direct their guest to use bathrooms of their own gender.  It is the resident host’s responsibility to provide direction to the appropriate bathrooms.

7.4.17 Windows, Balconies, Rooftops
The College prohibits access to windows, roofs, balconies, railings, ledges, and fire escapes of all College owned or operated buildings except in cases of repair by the proper College authority or in dire/ life threatening emergency.

7.5 Housing Operations

7.5.1 Assignment of New Roommates
If a vacancy occurs in a student’s room the Office of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to place a student in that space without prior notification.  However, the office will make every effort to notify students via their CMSV email account. Most campus rooms are intended for double or triple occupancy.  The existing resident(s) in a room is responsible for keeping the vacant side of the room clean and clear to accept a new roommate at any time.

7.5.2 Cancellation of Residency
Students who withdraw from the residence halls (i.e. personal or disciplinary action) must complete the Housing Cancellation Request form. This form is located on the Housing and Residence Life website. A student who cancels his/her housing contract is subject to a prorated refund according to the terms of the Student Accounts Refund Policy and must vacate his/her residence hall room within 48 hours. Students who do not return their room key upon check-out will be charged $150 for a new lock to be installed. All residents checking out in December or May must do so within 24 hours of their last exam or by the designated checkout time.

Charges for room and board will be prorated for the period of actual residency up to the fifth week of a semester.  Refunds for housing fees are not made after the start of the sixth week. Refunds for housing fees are not made for a student who has been suspended from residency for disciplinary reasons at any point in the semester. Refunds for meal plans are prorated through the last week of the semester.

7.5.3 Check-out Procedures
There will be a mandatory meeting held by your RA at the end of each semester to communicate check-out procedures.  Listed below are some of the check-out procedures:

  • You must check-out 24 hours after your last exam or by the designated check-out.
  • Remove all belongings.  During break periods, you will not be allowed back into the building once check-out has been completed. At the end of the spring semester, your check-out will not be official until all of your belongings are removed from your room/suite.
  • Clean your room – including vacuum/sweep the floors, dispose of food in your microfridge and empty the trash. Residents with bathrooms are also expected to clean these spaces.
  • Unplug all appliances. Defrost your microfridge prior to leaving.
  • Close and lock your room windows, turn off air conditioners/heater, keep your shades open and your room lights off.
  • Complete all check-out paperwork.
  • Return all keys at check-out. Student ID cards are to be kept by the student for the duration of the summer. The cost to replace a lost id card is $25.

The College’s housing license agreement ends on the last day of exams of the Spring semester. In the days that follow, only graduating seniors, Residence Life staff and those working for the College at Commencement activities are permitted to stay in the residence halls.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary sanctions. Seniors must vacate the residence hall by 4 p.m. the day of Commencement.

7.5.4 Health and Safety Inspections
Health and Safety inspections are scheduled two to three times a semester to ensure student safety.  These inspections are conducted by the Resident Assistants and professional staff.  Your RA will post signs to notify your floor of the Health and Safety inspection.  Typically, residents are given at least 48 hours notification. The Office of Residence Life and Housing reserves the right to inspect a student’s room without the presence of the student(s).

Upon completion of the Health and Safety Inspection, residents will receive a completed Health and Safety Inspection form for failing the inspection.  If a room fails and the violation does not pose an immediate threat, residents are notified and a re-inspection will be held within a few days.  Residents who fail to correct the violations cited in a Health and Safety Inspection maybe fined and subject to disciplinary action depending on the violation(s).

Residence Life and Housing staff will confiscate any items found in a room during this inspection that are not permitted in the residence halls.  These items will be stored by staff until the student can remove them from the campus and/or student conduct proceedings have been completed.  The College reserves the right to discard and/or return any prohibited items found.  If items are to be returned to the student, the student must arrange a mutually convenient time with the Area Coordinator to retrieve the items when leaving for a vacation period (i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter Break, Spring Break). At this time, the prohibited items must be taken off campus and not returned to the residence halls.

7.5.5 Keys, Door Codes and ID Cards
Your student ID card will give you access to the front door of your assigned residence hall. Select residents are issued keys to their rooms. The majority of residents will be provided with a six digit access code for their rooms. If a key or ID is lost, the resident should contact the Residence Life Office immediately. The Residence Life staff will provide assistance when a lockout occurs. There will be a $25.00 charge for each lockout or code reset due to sharing of this information with non-residents.

There is a $175 charge for replacing a lost key or for failure to return a key when checking out. Special care should be taken to not share your room key or door access code.  Illegal reproduction of a College issued key or identification is strictly prohibited.

There is a $25 charge to replace a lost ID card. Payment must be made in the Student Accounts Office. The receipt can then be brought to the Office of Student Affairs, Founders Hall 105, to receive the new ID card.

7.5.6 Maintenance and Repairs
Residents must contact the Facilities Office to complete a work order for all maintenance and repair requests. Residents should save the confirmation number provided from their work order submissions.  Facilities staff will attend to maintenance and repair requests as soon as possible. If the issues have not been resolved in 7 business days, please inform your Residence Life Coordinator. In the event of an emergency (e.g., no electricity, heat or hot water) during off peak hours, notify the Campus Security front booth at 718-405-3434 and ask to speak with the Administrator on Duty for Residence Life.

7.5.7 Housing Accommodation Requests
A student requesting an accommodation in housing due to a medical or psychological condition must apply for  a Reasonable Accommodation in Housing through the Office of Disabilities Services. This documentation will be reviewed by the appropriate College staff and a recommendation will be made to the Office of Residence Life and Housing.

7.5.8 Period of Residence
Residence halls are open during the academic year, exclusive of vacation periods, as defined by the College calendar.  Buildings open the day before classes resume following a vacation period and close the day of the last class or exam. Students must vacate the buildings at specified times.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary sanctions.   Students with night classes on the night that the residence halls close must make prior arrangements. The College reserves the right to use students’ rooms when classes are not in session.   Advanced notice will always be given should this become necessary.

7.5.9 Room Condition Report
The College encourages all residents to assist in making their living environment as comfortable and personalized as possible.  Each room is furnished with an x-long twin bed, x-long twin mattress, dresser, desk, and chair for each occupant.  Waterbeds are not permitted.  You will be prompted to complete a Room Condition Report (RCR) within the first week of the semester to be sure that you are not charged for a previous resident’s damages.  Be sure to inspect your room thoroughly upon taking occupancy and note any damaged or missing items on the RCR. Concerns requiring repairs should be reported to Facilities by entering a work order or calling 718-405-3211.

Since community health and fire safety are involved, all rooms must be kept neat and orderly.  Student rooms should remain clean and free of any trash, open food or obstructions in the doorways or walk areas.

Tape, nails, tacks and rubber cement can damage wall surfaces and should not be used. Students should use sticky putty or painters tape to affix posters to their walls.  Students may not paint their rooms.  Alterations to or construction (e.g. lofts) in rooms are not permitted.  Nothing is to be hung from the ceiling.

College furniture may not be moved out of a resident’s rooms.  All student rooms will be inspected 2-3 times each semester by a member of the Residence Life staff to ensure compliance with Health & Safety regulations.  Health and Safety inspections will be announced 48 hours in advance. Residents need not be available for these inspections to take place.

7.5.10 Room Assignments and Room Selection
Residency is provided for full time students, taking 12 credits or more per semester.  Students taking less than 12 credits must request permission to reside on campus from the Associate Director of Housing and Residence Life.  All assignments are made on the basis of one academic year.

First year and transfer student rooms are assigned by the Office of Housing and Residence Life on the basis of a questionnaire completed by the incoming resident. Upperclassmen choose rooms for the upcoming year during Room Selection which is held in the spring semester. In order to receive a randomized lottery number, and thereby participate in Room Selection, students must pay a $100 room reservation deposit by the specified date and have satisfied their financial obligations with the College. Students must maintain full-time (12 credits or more) status to remain in housing.  Adherence to deadlines is especially important if a student plans to participate in the Room Selection process.

7.5.11 Room Changes
Sometimes students choose to avoid conflict by moving to another room.  This is the not the best first step.  Working through conflicts in a relationship is a skill all people will need throughout their lives. We hope to assist students in communicating and resolving conflicts.

The Room Change process will commence in the third week of each semester and will continue on a rolling basis as space allows. Students considering a room change should speak with a professional member of the Residence Life staff.

Room and roommate changes will not be approved based solely on reasons of race, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability of the individual involved.

Since it is vital that the College and its authorities have an accurate directory of all residents’ room assignments, changing rooms or roommates without the prior permission of the Office of Housing and Residence Life is not permitted.  All unapproved changes will result in an immediate return to the assigned room.

Once a room change has been approved, the student’s old room and new room must be inspected by a Residence Life staff member.  All keys will need to be returned.  Door access codes will be reset.

7.5.12 Room Damages
Each student is required to remit a $200 residence hall damage deposit when initially applying for College residency. Any damage in the residence halls beyond normal wear and tear is assessed at the end of the year.  The cost of room damages and common area damages are assessed each year and must be paid in full when billed so a student’s full residence hall damage deposit is maintained. It is expected that students leave their rooms in the condition in which they found them at the time of move-in. Students will be charged for any cleaning, repairs, and painting that needs to take place.

A student’s residence hall damage deposit, minus any outstanding balance, is refunded upon the student’s termination of residency.  Students who leave mid-year will have their damages assessed at that time, but may not have access to their refund until the academic year ends.

7.5.13 Vacation Period Housing
All students are urged to consult the College calendar for vacation dates and plan far enough in advance to vacate their rooms during those times. A resident’s license agreement with the College does not include housing or board during those times.

Housing is available to current residents who meet the criteria listed, during Thanksgiving, Winter, Easter, Spring and/or Summer breaks, for a per diem fee as established  by the Student Accounts Office.  This per diem fee includes a meal plan.

The following criteria must be met to be considered or approved for vacation housing periods;

  • Students enrolled in and attending a CMSV Winter or Summer intersession course
  • Students participating in a for-credit internship established through the Oxley Integrated Advising Program
  • Students working 12-19 hours per week for a CMSV department
  • Students participating in-season for intercollegiate athletics

The College reserves the right to limit summer housing to monthly increments only. Once paid, these fees are not refundable.

All vacation housing fees must be paid in advance and accompanied by intersession/summer course, internship and/or employment documentation. You will not be considered or approved without these items.

The availability of housing during vacations can be significantly limited.  Students can’t always assume that it will be available, so it’s vital that they plan ahead and meet all posted deadlines.  Also, since staffing and services are sharply reduced during these periods, students who display behavioral or emotional difficulties may be refused housing in cases where the College is unable to respond effectively to these issues.

Students should be reminded that all Residence Life policies are enforced during vacation periods.  A student/person entering any residence hall during these periods who has not been approved for vacation housing will be considered trespassing and will be subjected to the student conduct process.  Any vacation resident permitting an unauthorized person (squatter, banned) into their room will be removed from vacation housing and subjected to the student conduct process.

Any violation of College policy during a vacation housing period will result in the student’s immediate suspension from College housing, and will be held accountable through the student conduct process.